Less Resentment…More Sharing, More Love, More Progress!
Shabbat Parashat Naso
May 18, 2013 – 9 Sivan 5773
Less Resentment…More Sharing, More Love, More Progress!
Getting beyond resentment is not always easy….But, if we do, we reap many rewards.
Remember the famous biblical story of Korach? We will read it in the coming weeks. To recap the story: Korach deeply resented Moses’ leadership and convinced others to join him in a rebellion which ended in disaster for our people.
But, the Korach story is not so unique.
Rivers of resentment are all around us!
For example, when we see people around us being recognized for their contributions, while our contributions go unnoticed, or when we are not chosen to play a part in a play, we can easily develop resentment toward others. Or, when we notice that not everyone contributes equally to an endeavor we care about, we can easily jump to the conclusion that our resources are taken for granted.
It is so easy to be inundated by rivers of resentment and, as a consequence, to become dis-spirited – to forget our shared goals, our underlying connections, our vision and our hopes!
Parashat Naso, teaches us some practical wisdom for keeping us on track!
In our Parsha, we learn that each one of the chieftains of the 12 tribes of Israel brought an identical gift, on an appointed day of the 12 day dedication of the Tabernacle in the desert. And, each of the families of the Levites was given a specific job in the maintenance and carrying of the Tabernacle during the desert trek.
In relating this to us, Torah is suggesting that communal organization and vision must go hand in hand in order to create inclusive, caring and committed communities.
If we plan to involve everyone in our goals, if we seek to maximize the value of each of us and to shine a light on the gifts that each of us brings to community – then we will succeed.
If we create a framework that enables each of us to see ourselves as responsible for a particular task, for a particular time slot, for a specific part of the process, then we will all find a way to pull together – to minimize our feelings of resentment, and to increase our sharing, our love, and our progress…That is the work of kehilla kedoshah – of sacred community – and those are our rewards!
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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