Let’s Celebrate!
Shabbat Parashat Tsav
Shabbat Zachor
March 15, 2014 – 13 Adar II 5774
Let’s Celebrate!
This Saturday evening we begin our celebration of Purim! I hope to see you at our Megillah reading which will be followed by a Purim party organized with the help of our Men’s Club and Sisterhood!!!!
While Purim is all about celebrating, it is preceded by Shabbat Zachor, the second of the four special Shabbatot before Passover. On this special Shabbat, in addition to our weekly Torah portion, we read the Biblical reminder of the unprovoked Amalekite attack on the weak and weary of our people in the desert.
It is our hope and prayer that this incident, and others like it, will indeed become nothing more than a distant memory and that our world will be filled with love, with peace, and with respect among all people.
Our celebration on Purim marks, with resounding faith, our belief that the fulfillment of God’s promise of redemption will indeed free us of the prejudice and evil that is still a part of our world.
As we celebrate, we carve out a space in our lives in which we may cultivate that hope and that belief. We allow it to penetrate our souls, to thrive in our hearts, and to engage our imagination.
When all is said and done, Purim is about garnering renewed strength to guide us on the intertwined paths of Torah and of peace! So, let’s celebrate our vision of redemption, our hope for the future, and our faith in the message of Torah!
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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