Shabbat Parashat B’chukotai
May 17, 2014 – 17 Iyyar 5774
Let’s Celebrate!
This Friday night we are celebrating Confirmation at Rodef Sholom Temple! Come celebrate with us!
What’s all the fuss about?
A group of young Jewish people have stayed the course. They have continued their Jewish education, beyond bar and bat mitzvah. They have gone on to do a mitzvah project together, and, tonight, they will lead the tefillot [prayers] and share some words of joy and of gratitude with us! This is truly reason to rejoice!
In the week of reading Parashat B’chukotai which begins with the words “Im b’chukotai teyleychu” [If you choose to walk in My ways] and goes on to describe the blessing that will accompany us if we choose to walk with God and with Torah, we are witness to the blessing of young people choosing to self-identify as Jews and as members of our community.
Then, on Sunday, we will celebrate Lag B’Omer! What is the traditional Jewish way to celebrate Lag B’Omer? Disparate customs have emerged in various Jewish communities. We, along with many Jewish communities, will celebrate with games, with races, with field sports, with food, and by simply coming together to enjoy a fun day in community. I hope you will join us on Sunday!
Our parsha reflects the Jewish concept of covenant. God gives us Torah – wisdom for the ages. But, we, as a community, enter into a loving relationship with God by choosing to walk in God’s ways.
It is just as important to choose to come together as community in times of rejoicing as it is to choose to come together in times of sorrow…So, let’s celebrate!
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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