October 8, 2014 – 15 Tishrei 5775
Dear Friends,
Thank you to all who shared the High Holy Days with us at Rodef Sholom Temple. Thank you so much to all who helped us prepare for the holidays and to all who contributed to the spirit and community of our services during the holidays. Special thanks to Cantor Sarah Pscheidt who shared the bima with me and whose chanting added so much to our holiday experience. It was a joy to share the High Holy Days with y’all!
But, wait! The holidays are not over! It is time for us to celebrate Sukkot!
As fragile as life itself, renewed every year, the Sukkah, our temporary abode, stands as a symbol of our human ability to create, to return to our core, to simplify as needed, to beautify our environment, and to open our hearts to nature and to those whom we love.
The Sukkah reminds us that, even as we acknowledge that we are all temporary sojourners on this earth, we can choose to pause; we can take the time to reflect on our lives, to connect to God, and to share in the simple joy of this wonderful holiday with family and with friends!
The holiday of Sukkot is called z’man simchateynu, the time of our rejoicing. Let us make the most of this special joyous time!
Chag Sukkot Sameach, wishing you and your loved ones a joyous Sukkot holiday!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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