Combat Hunger and Increase the Light!
Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh
December 20, 2014 – 28 Kislev 5775
Dear Friends,
This week at Rodef Sholom Temple, as we light the Chanukah candles and participate in HELP week, we will have the sacred opportunity to combat hunger and to increase the light in the world around us!
As you may know, HELP week begins this Saturday night at Rodef Sholom Temple. Special thanks to all our members and volunteers who have worked to organize this program, to fund it, to purchase food and supplies, and to cook. Beginning this Saturday night, and for the next seven days, we will come together to greet our guests, to serve the meals, to clean up, and to make sure that homeless people in our area will not go hungry. And, we will make sure that our guests have a roof over their heads. Yasher koach to all who are taking part in this congregational effort!
Interestingly, this year, our participation in HELP week coincides with our reading of the Joseph story. And, you may recall that, in the Biblical story, Joseph foresaw a time of hunger that would afflict ancient Egypt. Joseph devised a plan and set it into operation to make sure that the people of Egypt would have enough to eat even during the seven years when the crops would fail.
While we may not be prophets, we are able to see when the need arises to feed those amongst us who would be hungry. As part of the HELP program, we have been blessed to be able to devise a plan and set it into operation to make sure that our guests have food to eat during the coming week. Our participation echoes not only Joseph’s amazing administrative abilities, but also Joseph’s caring, and careful planning and concern.
As we come together to combat hunger on our local level this week, let us rejoice in the beauty of our tradition and in the light of the Chanukah candles! Let us celebrate the light that we are able to imbue in the world around us!
Shabbat Shalom and a very Happy Chanukah!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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