From Sadness to Joy
Shabbat Machar Chodesh
Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh
April 18, 2015 – 29 Nisan 5775
Dear Friends,
This past Thursday, on Yom HaShoah [Holocaust Memorial Day], I did something I rarely do. I posted a message on my Facebook page. That morning I awoke to see the Yellow Candle burning in my living room. Seeing that candle burning moved me to write:
“A yellow candle burns revealing a gaping hole in the universe and in our hearts. The unthinkable that was, represented by a single silent flame that speaks volumes when words fail. We remember. We ache. We pray. We vow to do all that is in our power to reflect the goodness and the holiness that is embedded in creation. A yellow candle burns revealing a gaping hole in the universe and in our hearts.”
Now we move on to celebrate Shabbat, the upcoming new Jewish month of Iyar, Yom HaZikaron [Israel’s Memorial Day] and Yom HaAtzmaut [Israel’s Independence Day]. On Yom HaShoah we joined together at the JCC for our communal observance of that sad day. The JCC was filled to capacity. May we come together as a congregation on this Shabbat, and in the days to come, with as much dedication and commitment, to celebrate the joyous days in our Jewish calendar!
It is important for us to remember our Jewish brothers and sisters who lost their lives in the Holocaust simply because they were Jewish. It is equally important for us to honor their memory by enjoying the riches of Jewish life to the fullest!
This Friday night, we will gather together to greet the Shabbat and to welcome Rodef Sholom Temple’s New Members! Thanks to all who worked to organize this New Member Shabbat! I know that we all will enjoy the opportunity to celebrate Shabbat and to get to know the people who have chosen to join our congregation during this past year. And I hope you will join us for our Yom HaAtzmaut celebration on Sunday as well!
Rosh Chodesh Iyar will be on Saturday night, Sunday and Monday. May it be a month of joy, of healing, of community, of celebration, and of peace for us and for all the people Israel and for all people everywhere!
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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