Shabbat Parashat Tazria-Metsora
April 25, 2015 – 6 Iyyar 5775
Dear Friends,
The greatness of the teachings of Torah is that they do not shrink from reality. Torah is, of course, filled with lofty, beautiful and uplifting stories and images. But, alongside those uplifting images, Torah also relates to the difficult passages in life.
We read about the successes of our ancestors but we we are not spared the stories of their failures. We learn of the triumphs of our people but the Torah also tells us of their challenges and missteps.
The greatness of Torah, and the believability of its message, lies in the fact that we are not shielded from reality. Instead, as we study Torah, we are invited into a rich spiritual world that recognizes the peaks and the valleys of life.
This week’s double parsha includes the teaching about the Metzorah (often translated as “leper”). The message of Torah is that sometimes we are blindsided by life. Sometimes we find ourselves cast out of our comfort zone physically or spiritually. But even when that happens, we should never abandon our search for the silver linings: our connection to holiness and to community. We should look forward to the time when we will once again reconnect with God, with community, and with our essential sense of self.
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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