Shabbat Parashat B’hukkotai
Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh
June 4, 2016 – 27 Iyyar 5776
Dear Friends,
I hope you will join us for services this Friday night (at 8:00 p.m.!) and this Shabbat morning, as we celebrate the bat mitzvah of Sydney Frank. Mazal Tov to Sydney and to her entire family!
This Shabbat we will also recite the blessing for the upcoming new Jewish month of Sivan. Rosh Chodesh Sivan will be on Monday night and on Tuesday of this coming week. May it be a month of joy and of blessing for all!
And let’s not forget to celebrate Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) this coming Saturday night and Sunday! Yom Yerushalayim marks the reunification of Jerusalem durng the Six-Day War in 1967! After Israel’s War of Independence, and prior to 1967, the divided city of Jerusalem did not allow for Jewish access to the Temple Mount and to what is now known as The Kotel [The Western Wall]. Since that day, Jews, as well as people of all faiths, have access to all of the holy sites in Jerusalem. The reunification of Jerusalem provided welcome access and was also a very significant step toward the fulfillment of the vision of our prophets that all nations shall one day be welcome in the city of Jerusalem. In fact, some say the Hebrew name of the city “Jerusalem” actually means: “we will see peace and wholeness!”
This week, in our Torah portion, B’hukkotai, we read about the blessing of security which will flow from our continued connection to Torah and to mitzvoth. Immediately following the blessing of security, the Torah promises us “Shalom” [Peace]. Our Sages wondered: If we are promised “security”, do we not automatically have “peace”? Why does the Torah promise peace as well as security? Some say: security refers to security in relation to external threats. Peace, however, refers to internal peace among ourselves! Internal peace that comes on the heals of the blessing of security is the ultimate blessing, and something we should never take for granted.
May we enjoy our blessings and may we experience great joy in our connection to God, to Torah, and to one another!
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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