Shabbat Parashat Bo
February 4, 2017 – 8 Shevat 5777
Dear Friends,
I hope you will join us at services this Friday night and Shabbat as we celebrate the bar mitzvah of Leon Lacey. Mazal Tov to Leon and to his whole family!
What is the secret of our people’s survival? I think it is in great part because of an important message in our weekly Torah portion. Pharoah was going to allow just the Israelite men to leave. Moses insisted that the Israelite people will go “with our youth and with our elders; with our boys and with our girls” to celebrate Adonai’s festival.
Survival is more likely when we maximize the gifts of our people. Youth, elders, boys and girls all have wisdom that helps us to remain vital and vigorous, relevant and resilient as a people.
We are all important to our collective survival. Our youth are important, as are our elders. Our boys are important, as our girls. At every stage in life, we have something essential to contribute to our community and we can gain something essential from being a part of our community. And, that is what I love about Rodef Sholom Temple. We are all valued and appreciated.
My sabbatical is set to begin this Sunday. I look forward to the opportunity to visit Israel, to see family and friends who live there, and to be able to work on some special writing projects. But, I will miss our congregation – youths, elders, boys and girls. And I look forward to seeing you all when I return on May 22nd.
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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