Sukkot: Especially Now – Joy and Resolve!
Erev Sukkot
October 4, 2017- 14 Tishrei 5778
Dear Friends,
The unique thing about Sukkot is that the Torah asks us to be joyous for all seven days of Sukkot – non-stop! That is a difficult task in ordinary times. But, this week, following the horrific shooting in Las Vegas, tremendous spiritual fortitude is required for us to live up to the non-stop joy that is the optimal way to experience Sukkot.
Hurricanes and floods are bad enough. But, when a human being deliberately murders so many others, it becomes that much harder for us to celebrate with a full heart.
And yet…Sukkot begins tonight. What will our celebration be like…?
I share with you some thoughts….
The Sukkah symbolizes our belief that some day, as was envisioned by our prophets, people of all races and creeds, of all religions and faiths, will appreciate the humanity of all people.
The Sukkah symbolizes our belief that one day, the world will be more open, more hospitable, more sharing, more loving.
The Sukkah symbolizes our belief that God’s sheltering presence will always be with us – helping us to come together: to build bridges of peace and of understanding; to bring comfort and healing to one another; and to work together to further our shared goals of making our world a better place.
And, so, we send our prayers of solidarity to the people of Las Vegas, and our thoughts and prayers of comfort to the families of those who were murdered, and of healing to those who are in need of physical and of spiritual healing.
May we, and all who are affected by this horrific event, increasingly feel the strength of God’s sheltering presence, day by day.
And, may the great joy of Sukkot be coupled with an equally great resolve on our part to do our best to make our world a better place for all people everywhere.
Wishing us all a very Joyous Sukkot holiday!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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