Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh
Profound and Perplexing Pieces in Siddur Lev Shalem
July 7, 2018 – 24 Tammuz 5778
Dear Friends,
Our recent heat wave and July 4th having come and gone are clear indications that summer is upon us! I hope that you have had an opportunity to celebrate July 4th and that you have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy the summer months!
Beginning this coming Monday, July 9th, Tidbits of Torah (and I) will be on vacation for three weeks. However, I take this opportunity to throw out the following two questions to you in the hopes that I will find your responses in my email inbox when I return from my vacation.
Here are the questions:
1. What is your favorite choice of a profound reading/prayer/commentary in Siddur Lev Shalem? Please say a few words on why you chose that piece.
2. What is your choice of a perplexing reading/prayer/commentary in Siddur Lev Shalem? Say a few words on why you chose that piece.
In your response/s, please be sure to include the title and the Siddur Lev Shalem page number of your chosen piece/s!
Now that I got those questions out to you…I hope to see you at Friday night and Shabbat services this Shabbat! On Saturday morning we will be blessing the new Jewish month of Av. Rosh Chodesh Av will be on Thursday night and on Friday of next week. May it be a month of blessing and of comfort to all.
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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