Parashat Tav
Remember, Renew, Refresh!
March 23, 2019 – 16 Adar II 5779
Dear Friends,
The eternal light in the synagogue represents the sparkle of the human soul and the holiness of the spirit of life. It flickers and it inspires. But, we need to remember to keep it glowing. We need to renew our connection to it. And, when we do, we find that it actually “speaks to us.” It refreshes our soul.
Not unlike the human soul, and the flame of Torah itself, the eternal light can be neglected, forgotten or taken for granted.
It is up to us to remember the potential of the eternal light. It is up to us to keep the flame glowing. Day in and day out. Whether we are interested in affirming a human relationship or enhancing a spiritual relationship – the spark of any relationship is only as strong as our renewed and refreshed interest in it.
Parashat Tav includes the commandment to the Kohen to renew the flame of the eternal light in the Tabernacle, day after day.
But, the language of the Torah suggests to us that the light of the eternal light “al ha’mizbeyach [on the altar]” is dependent upon the s
trength of the internal light in the soul of the Kohen “bo [in him].”
From the commandment to the Kohen to renew the eternal light day after day, we learn that, as we grow and develop, our enthusiasm for any relationship (including our relationship to Torah, community, and to Jewish living) takes continued commitment, conscious renewal, and refreshed interest!
Ask any of our volunteers why they continue to volunteer and you will hear that the best way to stay connected and interested is to add your personal perspective, your personal wisdom, and your personal take to the project at hand! So, thank you to all of our volunteers for keeping the light of RST glowing, day after day! It is your light that refreshes our light and continues to make RST relevant, current, and interesting!
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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