Dear Friends,
I share with you my free translation of the contents of my son’s recent text message which contained an excerpt of the testimony of Ben Gurion in 1946. It is great food for thought and for discussion for Passover….
In 1946 Ben Gurion testified (as head of the Jewish Agency) before a Joint Anglo-American Investigation Committee regarding the Jewish refugees of that time, as follows:
“Three hundred plus years ago a ship set sail to the new world and its name was the Mayflower. This was a major event in the history of England and of the United States. But, I am curious to know whether there is even one Englishman who knows exactly when that ship set sail; do they know how many people were aboard that ship; and exactly what kind of bread they ate when they set out on that journey? In contrast, over three thousand three hundred years before the Mayflower set sail, the Jews left Egypt, and every Jew around the world today knows the exact date of the Exodus – the fifteenth day of Nissan; and everyone knows exactly what bread they ate: Matzahs; and to this very day, Jews the world over eat Matzah on the fifteenth day of Nissan, in America, in Russia and in other countries. And they retell the story of the Exodus and the stories of the troubles the Jews endured since they were scattered once again in the Diaspora. And they conclude with two statements: “This year we are slaves; next year may we be free. This year we are here; next year may we be in Jerusalem, in Zion, in the Land of Israel. ” That is the nature of the Jewish people.”
Food for thought and for discussion…
And, please see the Pesah Tips for 5779 below….
Shabbat Shalom and a very happy and kosher Pesah!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
Pesah Tips 5779
Dear Friends,
Following are some tips on traditional Passover observances:
Thursday Evening, April 18 –
Bedikat Hametz – (Search for leaven): This is customarily done on the night before Passover immediately after sunset.
This ritual is especially effective and enjoyable for children…This is what we do:
Friday Morning – April 19 –
Ta’anit Bekhorim (Fast of the Firstborn) – This daytime fast applies to the firstborn of either a mother or father. If you participate in a siyyum, completion of study of a tractate of rabbinic literature, this may be followed by a se’udat mitavah, a meal accompanying the performance of a mitzvah. Here, the performance of the mitzvah is the completion of study. All firstborn in attendance at a siyyum are then permitted to eat!
Biur Hametz (Disposing of the Hametz)-The container of hametz, gathered the evening before, is to be burned. The burning of the hamtez should be completed by the fifth hour after sunrise. No blessing is recited. However, a slightly modified version of the formula for nullification of hametz is recited, as follows: “Any leaven that may still be in the house, which I have or have not seen, which I have or have not removed, shall be as if it does not exist, and as the dust of the earth.”
Preparation for Yom Tov:
On Yom Tov, kindling a new fire is not permitted; however, the use of an existing fire for cooking or other purposes is permitted. On Shabbat, neither kindling a new fire nor transferring an existing fire is permitted.
To allow you to light candles for the second day of Yom Tov (Saturday night) ensure you have a fire burning before the beginning of Shabbat that will continue to burn at least until after dark when Shabbat ends. A pilot light or a long-burning (25-hour-plus) candle may be used for this purpose. During Yom Tov, one can light successive candles by transferring the flame.
On Friday night when lighting the candles, we recite the blessings: “Barukh Attah Adonai eloheynu melekh ha-olam asher kiddeshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel Shabbat v’shel Yom Tov” and “…Shehecheyanu…”
On Saturday night, after dark, when lighting the candles, we recite the blessings: “Barukh Attah Adonai eloheynu melekh ha-olam asher kiddeshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel Yom Tov” and “…Shehecheyanu…”
On Friday night the candles are lit before sundown. On Saturday night the candles are lit at least 25 minutes after sunset, by transferring the fire from an existing flame.
Most importantly, have a wonderful, happy, healthy and kosher Pesah and may this year be a year of true redemption and peace for us and for all of Israel and for all peoples everywhere!
Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy and Kosher Passover!
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