Dear Friends,
It is with a sense of tremendous gratitude to all the volunteers who kept our services running throughout my vacation, that I return to Rodef Sholom Temple. Thanks to all those who led services, to those who delivered divrei Torah, and to those who kept our congregation going over the summer.
I thoroughly enjoyed participating in Rodef Sholom Temple services a couple of times during my vacation and having the opportunity to sit in the back with my family. I really love our congregation!
I also take this opportunity to thank all who came to celebrate my granddaughter Eden’s bat mitzvah during August. Your presence made the moment extra special for Eden and for our whole family!
We are now in the month of Elul. This month gives us the opportunity to prepare ourselves spiritually for the upcoming High Holy Days. We are sounding the shofar at weekday morning minyan services. Please join us, if you are able to, on Monday and Thursday mornings at 7:45 a.m. The shofar that is sounded toward the end of the morning minyan service reminds us that time is precious. Let us make the most of the time each of us has been given.
This Friday evening we will not hold our usual services due to the inclement weather.
But, we will hold services on Shabbat morning! As part of the service on Shabbat morning, we will have the opportunity to gather together, to enjoy our community and to celebrate the aufruf of Natan Diskin and Elena Mircoff. What is an aufruf? It is a traditional blessing of bride and groom. And, this Shabbat morning we will have the chance to bless Natan and Elena in honor of their upcoming marriage.
May the joy of the aufruf and the blessings of community, of gratitude and of love give us strength and inspiration.
As Hurricane Dorian progresses through our area, please be cautious. Stay dry. Stay safe. Be well. And I look forward to seeing you soon!
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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