Dear Friends,
Still counting…. What are we counting? At times, we are counting the days of Corona….At times, we are counting the days of the Omer. At times, all that we are counting blurs into a sense of needing to count our days and to make every day count. As Jews, we are still counting toward the Shavuot holiday. As human beings, we are still counting toward the next moment in life.
This weekend we mark Memorial Day weekend and honor all those who served and gave their lives so that we could live in freedom and enjoy the many blessings we have been granted. In their memory, may we appreciate their service and the precious nature of the gift of life.
As long as we are still counting, we are still able to receive Torah and to receive blessings. Even more importantly, as long as we are still counting, we are still able to appreciate Torah and to spread a sense of blessing to all those around us.
This Shabbat we will bless the new Jewish month of Sivan. Rosh Chodesh Sivan will be on Saturday night and Sunday of this coming week. And, on the 6th and 7th Day of Sivan, we will celebrate Shavuot – the holiday of the Receiving of the Torah on Mount Sinai!
I hope you will join us for our pre-Shavuot Zoom session on Thursday, May 28th, at 5:30 pm when we will celebrate “Highlights of Shavuot” which will include a Yizkor service, and a Teacher Appreciation celebration!
May the new Jewish month of Sivan be a month of joy, of health, of blessing, of learning, of growing, of creating and of simply “being.” As long as we are still counting, may we make each and every day count.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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