Dear Friends,
With gratitude and joy in my heart for having been privileged to serve as your pulpit Rabbi for the past 22 years, I write this final Tidbits of Torah, as a blessing and thanks to Rodef Sholom Temple.
RST is a wonderful, vibrant congregation. Thanks to the leadership, membership, staff and volunteers of RST, in this time of congregational and rabbinic transiton, the retirement weekend celebration was a true testament to the vitality and resilience of RST.
In this week’s Torah portion, Korach, we read a cautionary tale of what might happen in moments of transition and uncertainty. Right after the divine decree that our people would continue to wander in the desert for 40 years, rather than directly entering into the Promised Land, our people were dismayed, confused, and rebellious. Egged on by Korach, and under the guise of seeking to “elevate” all the people, discontented groups united to undermine the leadership, the vision and the mission of our people. Korach decided that the moment was ripe for a “power grab”. And…the results were disastrous for our people. Only Moses’ and Aaron’s intervention on behalf of our people, saved us all and allowed us to continue on as Covenental partners with God.
RST is in transition. Yet, rather than dissing one another and undermining RST and/or its leaders – as Korach and his cohorts did to Moses and Aaron and even to
God in ancient times – our congregation pulled together. Rather than blaming the leadership, RST members came together to express appreciation and thanks for 22 good years.
And the result?
Even as RST is in transition and our journey is not over, there is a palpable sense of purpose and of joy within RST as the congregation looks forward to the future.
This is surely a sign that we have learned the lesson of Korach.
Rather than blame one another, fight one another, and generate discord, we have found ways to support one another, to bless one another, and to inspire one another, as we move into the next phase of RST history.
Again, my thanks to the leadership, to the staff, and to the members of RST for 22 wonderful years and for a fabulous retirement weekend celebration!
May we see many blessings and many simchas as we continue to strive to enhance the joys of Jewish life and of Jewish living on the Peninsula in the days, weeks, months and years to come! Yasher koach!
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Gilah Dror
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