

Rodef Sholom Temple Sisterhood – You belong here, join us today!

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About Us:

Sisterhood has been a very important part of our Temple for many years. This is the first year that we will be working in a different format than in the past, in the absence of a Sisterhood President. Our goal for this coming year is to renew and strengthen Sisterhood by encouraging more women to participate. We want to bring in new ideas and continue to meet Sisterhood’s major responsibilities:

  • Funding all the food and supplies for meals
  • Funding the kitchen maintenance
  • Providing the pulpit flowers
  • Operating the Judaica Shop
  • Maintaining the library
  • Supporting the Jewish Theological Seminary via Torah Fund
  • Publishing the New Years Greeting Book
  • Providing the Temple’s women with opportunities to socialize

How to Join:

  • To join please email Jenni Connolly
  • Everyone is welcome to join us for events!
  • Dues are $36/year and members will be billed in August

How We Operate:

  • The board will meet monthly and be a central coordinating and resources group.
  • Project or event coordinators will join the monthly meetings as their projects necessitate.
  • All members will be encouraged to participate and find projects that they will enjoy being part of.
  • We want to both increase the number of social events that do not include fundraising and find ways to increase our fundraising results, to meet our budget needs.