Social Action

The mission of Rodef Sholom’s Social Action Committee is to make Judaism’s commitment to the principles of Tikkun Olam an integral part of everyday life within the congregation. We connect with each other through social action. The committee organizes projects and events that educate the congregation and provide meaningful experiences through which we can repair our world on many levels.

Social Action Spotlight

 Gift Card Donations Requested
In July and August, join us to support JFS by donating gift cards to places like Walmart , Kroger , and Food Lion . Our local Jewish Family Services (JFS) office has very little storage space for canned goods or other donations, and gift cards allow people to buy fresh produce milk, juice, etc.

 Jewish Climate Leadership Coalition
What improvements can Rodef Sholom make to reduce waste and be more environmentally friendly? All ideas are good ideas! Please be in touch: .

 Toiletries Requested
The Social Action Committee is collecting toiletries  (feminine hygiene products, shampoo, soaps, toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, deodorants, etc,) to donate to the homeless, those experiencing housing insecurity, and others in need. Both full-sized and single-use toiletries are welcome. Please drop them off outside the RST office.

⚖️ Nonprofit Spotlight of the Week
Jewish Family Service (JFS) provides a full spectrum of services to meet the health, education and welfare needs of Hampton Roads residents. JFS has had a long-standing tradition of caring and concern for the community it serves. Services are provided by highly trained staff and caring volunteers, supported by liaisons with professionals in the community. JFS truly embraces the community it serves, providing innovative solutions for multi-generational needs