Dear Friends, Our Torah Portion of Shof’tim [Judges] begins with the words: “You shall place judges and magistrates for yourself at all of your gates…”. Isn’t this obvious? Of course, we need to have a system of justice in our society in order to maintain a just society. Nevertheless, as this Torah Portion is read Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, Rosh Chodesh Elul begins tonight and the month of Elul begins on Saturday night! We are just one month away from Rosh HaShana….Every day of the month of Elul, beginning this Sunday morning, you will receive a brief spiritual email message from RST to help us get into the spirit of the High Holy Continue Reading »
This Shabbat we will be reciting the Blessing of the new Jewish Month of Elul – the month of preparation for the High Holy Days. Rosh Chodesh Elul will be a week from now – beginning on Friday night, August 26th, and continuing on the following Saturday and Sunday. This Shabbat, a full week in advance Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope you will join us this Friday night and Shabbat morning as we celebrate Eli and Seth Green’s bar mitzvah! Mazal Tov to Eli and to Seth and to their entire family!!! This Shabbat is named Shabbat Chazon [the Shabbat of Vision] as the first word of the haftarah (the traditional weekly Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope you will join us on Shabbat morning as we celebrate this year’s adult b’nei mitzvah group – Elaine Abrams; Joseph and Bogie Edouard; Eliane Freund; and Beverly Phillips – and their teacher: Roy Lasris! It is bound to be a very special service!!! These adult b’nei mitzvah have devoted time and Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, Not all of us are fathers. Nevertheless, I wish all those who celebrate Father’s Day, a very happy and fulfilling Father’s Day weekend. Some of us have fathers whom we can celebrate with and some of us do not. Some of our fathers are still with us in this world and some of Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, In the journey of Torah, of time and of holidays, we have travelled from Passover, from Egypt and from conscripted slavery all the way through Shavuot, the Festival of the First Fruits and of the Giving of the Torah. We yearn to be free, individually and as a people, yet we have seen Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, This Shabbat is a prelude to Shavuot, the holiday of the Giving [and Receiving] of the Torah! Shavuot begins on Saturday night! We have been counting the Omer, connecting Passover and the Exodus from Egypt with the monumental moment when we all stood at the foot of Mount Sinai and received the Torah, Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, Memorial Day weekend is, in an of itself, a time of sadness as we honor those who have given their lives in the service of our country. They served so that we may, hopefully, live in peace. Yet, this weekend we add tears for all those innocent lives lost in Uvalde, Texas, as Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, Having recently returned from a scheduled Sabbatical, people ask me often: What’s the plan? When you retire (in a year and a quarter), what will you do? Where will you live? Will you stay? Will you go? These are all natural questions. My tendency is to say: The beauty of retirement will be Continue Reading »
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