Dear Friends, This Shabbat we will be reciting the prayer for the upcoming new Jewish month of Kislev. Rosh Chodesh Kislev will be on Thursday night and Friday of this coming week. And Chanukah will be celebrated beginning toward the end of the month of Kislev…May it be a month of joy, of good health, Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I love it when someone tells a story, leading us on to believe we know what the next chapter will be… and after a pregnant pause, they look us in the eye….and then they say: “Think Again!” We are often interested and surprised when the ending of a story is nothing like what Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I so appreciate it when I hear the words: Have a blessed day! Truly, I appreciate it. Especially since Covid changed our lives so much, I have grown to appreciate the simplest kindly human interactions as enormously precious. Still, the phrase “Have a blessed day” often is meant to imply that blessing is Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, If this is Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot (the Intermediate Shabbat of Sukkot), then Simchat Torah must be right around the corner! And it is!!! On this coming Tuesday morning we will gather for our Shmini Atzeret service and Yizkor, and that night, on Tuesday night, we will gather for our evening Simchat Torah Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, From Yom Kippur, we race right into Shabbat, and then right on into Sukkot! On the High Holy Days our liturgy was exceptionally lengthy. It gave us time for introspection. It gave us time to contemplate our lives. But change is in the air! Now that the High Holy Days are over…everything moves Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, Shabbat Shuvah is the Shabbat of Repentance or, some might say, it is the Shabbat of Return. In any case, this special Shabbat helps us bridge the gap between Rosh HaShana, when we pray for life, and Yom Kippur, when we pray for greater insight as we move forward into the new Jewish Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, It’s the last Shabbat of the Jewish Year! I take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a Shana Tova u’Metuka – a good and a sweet New Year, filled with joy, health, and happiness! It is also Labor Day weekend, so I hope you will enjoy this weekend too as Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope you will join us, in person or online by live stream, for our Selichot Service this Saturday night, August 28th, at 9 pm! This is our first opportunity to hear some of our favorite High Holy Day melodies and a special “moment” in which to ramp up our spiritual preparation and Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, There is more than one way to take care of ourselves….We might take care of ourselves physically. We might take care of ourselves spiritually. We might take care of ourselves individually. We might take care of ourselves communally. Our parsha speaks about the mitzvah of erecting a parapet (guard rail) on our roof/s Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, A simple reading of our weekly Torah portion seems to suggest that the mitzvoth in the portion (including “Justice, justice you shall pursue”) are directed to the judges and to the leaders of our people…However, one might read these verses quite differently. According to an alternate reading, we are all being addressed in Continue Reading »
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