Dear Friends, This Shabbat is called “Shabbat Shira [the Shabbat of Song]” because we read the Song of the Sea which our people recited after they experienced the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea. There are actually two Songs of the Sea recorded in our Torah portion: one led by Moses; the other led by Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I think we all know what a difference it makes to each one of us when we feel that we are seen and heard by those around us, even as we disagree with one another. Equally important is our own willingness to be there for others – whether we agree or disagree with Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope you will join us tonight as our Zoom services as we celebrate Shabbat along with our Religious School students. When we include our students, we are looking ahead. When we look ahead, as Jews who are commanded to look back. We are commanded to “remember” – to find inspiration in our Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, Today, more than ever, we need prayers for our country. We need prayers for the renunciation of violence as a way of resolving differences of opinion. We need prayers for a restoration of the art of listening, of the art of respectful dialogue, and of the art of building relationships in good faith. Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, This week we conclude the reading of the first of the Five Books of Moses, the book of Genesis. As we conclude the reading of each of the Five Books of Moses, we customarily recite: Chazak, Chazak, V’nitchazek [Be Strong, Be Strong, and we shall strengthen one another]. In the spirit of Chazak Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a very happy and healthy 2021! 2020 has been a trying year for all of us. As we experience difficulties ourselves, we can relate to the difficult times that we read about in our weekly Torah portion of Vayigash. We can relate Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, Mitketz is such a tumultuous Torah portion. Dreams abound. Plans are fomented. Hopes are fulfilled or dashed, depending on the circumstances. And all of this comes on the heels of Chanukah – the Festival of Lights – the holiday that speaks to our resilience in the face of whatever tumult surrounds us. What Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I don’t know about you, but I share with you now that, to me, this Hanukkah is different from all Hanukkahs that we have experienced. How so? We may be ready to light a new candle each night and to recite the blessings, but I would guess that many of us, like myself, Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, We are all looking forward to something good…. I am looking forward to the joy of Chanukah and to lighting candles each of the 8 nights of Chanukah (beginning on Thursday evening, December 10th). I am looking forward to many other things as well, such as: Seeing you at services this evening; Sharing Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope you will join us for Friday night services as we celebrate Shabbat and as we continue to mark Thanksgiving weekend. Imagine the fear that gripped Jacob’s heart as he began his lonely flight from his family and from his home to far-away Haran. This is the story which opens our weekly Continue Reading »
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