Dear Friends, I hope you will join us for Friday night and Shabbat morning services as we celebrate the bar mitzvah of David Spigel. Mazal Tov to David and to the entire family! This week’s Torah portion, Toldot, highlights the impact that a single special festive meal can have on a family and on the Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope you will join us for Friday night and Shabbat morning services as we celebrate the bar and bat mitzvah of Jayden and Adyson Kaufman. Mazal Tov to Jayden and to Adyson, and to the entire family! This week’s Torah portion, Hayyei Sarah, includes the remarkable story of Abraham’s servant, Eliezer, fulfilling Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope you will join us for Friday night services this evening as we continue our celebration of Leila Coltrain’s bat mitzvah! Yesterday, we heard and saw Leila have an aliyah to the Torah, read from the Torah, and chant Haftarah as part of our Thursday Morning minyan. It was a wonderful celebration Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, Lech L’cha [Go forth] implies an imperative to move forward. These are the opening words of our weekly Torah portion. Lech L’cha [Go forth]. This is what God communicated to Abraham in our weekly Torah portion. And, this is what we too must confront. But, what is our direction? With so many scary Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope you will join us this Friday night and Shabbat morning as we celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of Zachary Busch. Mazal Tov to Zachary and to his entire family! Having just completed the annual reading of the Five Books of Moses on Simchat Torah, we now begin anew reading the Creation story Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, This year, on this Shabbat, we are combining our celebration of Shemini Atzeret, when we recite Yizkor, with our celebration of Simchat Torah, when we rejoice with the Torah! How do the two holidays fit together? Actually, very well…. The inclusions in the Amidah prayers we recite on Simchat Torah are, in any Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, The think I love most about Sukkot is that we are “commanded” to rejoice for the entire seven days of the Sukkot holiday! Imagine that! I am sooooo ready to try my very best to fulfill this mitzvah! I look forward to seeing you all at Zoom services tonight, Friday night, and tomorrow Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, It is never too late to change. And, if you ever doubted that….The proof is in this week’s Torah portion! In this week’s Torah portion of Ha’azinu, Moses, who once considered himself incapable of speaking persuasively, suddenly changes his mode of communication. Instead of continuing to recount the history of the Exodus, the Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, It is so easy to take our lives for granted. It is so easy to forget our humble origins. But, the Torah reminds us again and again that we are all descendants of slaves – that our ancestors experienced the bondage of Egypt and the bitter reality of oppression. Our Torah portion includes Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, Justice, peace and love are the foundational values of Jewish living. We are supposed to love God with all our soul, with all our might, with all our being. It is not clear exactly how we do that, but, if you ask me… is even harder to imagine how we are supposed to Continue Reading »
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