Dear Friends, Our Sages realized that our spiritual life is influenced by many factors. They sensed that prayer in the morning is inherently different from prayer in the afternoon. And they understood that evening prayer is entirely different from either morning or afternoon prayers. Our Sages attributed the establishment of each of the three times Continue Reading »
Shabbat Parashat Toldot Keep Up the Good Work! November 30, 2019 – 2 Kislev 5780 Dear Friends, We live in an age that rewards innovation and creativity above almost everything else. We see innovation and creativity as an expression of some of the greatest qualities that human beings can display. Innovation and creativity are often Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, One of the things that I love about Thanksgiving is that it reminds us to be grateful for the blessings we have been granted in life. So often, we focus on what is not good in the world around us. So often, we surround ourselves with “bad news” or with a heightened awareness Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, How can I make a difference? It’s a huge world out there…There is so much to do…How can I possibly make a difference? If we are concerned with this question, our weekly Torah portion,Vayera, gives us all a nudge in the right direction – a nudge that comes in the form of a Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope you will join us this Shabbat as we celebrate the bar mitzvah of Reece David. Mazal Tov to Reece and to his entire family! Gratitude and blessings are definitely in the air… We also mark Veterans Day this weekend and express our gratitude for the many blessings we have been afforded Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope you will join us this Shabbat as we celebrate the bat mitzvah of Yona Hyman. Mazal Tov to Yona and to her entire family! In this week’s Torah portion, Noach, we are introduced, for the first time in the Biblical narrative, to the Hebrew word for “family” (mishpachah). And so, it Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, This first Shabbat of the Jewish New Year, 5780, is a very special Shabbat – Shabbat Shuvah. There are so many levels of meaning embedded in the words: “Shabbat Shuvah.” We might say that this is the “Shabbat of Return.” Or, perhaps we might call this Shabbat, the “Shabbat of Repentance.” This Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a Shana Tova u’Metuka [a good year and a sweet year]! May we enjoy many blessings and simchas [joyous celebrations] together. A short and sweet message for this Shabbat and for the coming High Holy Days: I love this week’s Torah portion Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, To ignore…or not to ignore. That is the question! As the month of Elul progresses, and in preparation for the High Holy Days, we are called upon to reflect on our lives. One of the dilemmas of life these days is how to sift through all the information we receive throughout the day. Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, It is with a sense of tremendous gratitude to all the volunteers who kept our services running throughout my vacation, that I return to Rodef Sholom Temple. Thanks to all those who led services, to those who delivered divrei Torah, and to those who kept our congregation going over the summer. I thoroughly Continue Reading »
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