Tidbits of Torah

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on December 14, 2018

         Parashat Vayigash Identity, Safety and Survival  December 15, 2018 – 7 Tevet 5779     Dear Friends,   There is so much that we can learn from Joseph…   When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers in Egypt, he said: Ani Yosef [I am Joseph].   Retaining our identity is primary in life.  Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on December 7, 2018

 Parashat Miketz Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Tevet – Day 1 Shabbat Chanukah – Day 6 Stronger Together December 8, 2018 – 30 Kislev 5779     Dear Friends, The slogans “Stronger Together” and “No Hate” have been front and center in our minds in recent weeks as we confronted rising incidents of overt antisemitism.  These slogans represent sentiments Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on November 30, 2018

 Parashat VaYeshev Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh Chanukah and Us December 1, 2018 – 23 Kislev 5779   Dear Friends, We live in a time of rising overt anti-Semitism.  This phenomenon is a darkness that demands our attention. There is no sense in denying it.  The reality of growing overt anti-Semitism is affecting our lives, individually and communally, in Continue Reading »

Messengers of Peace

Posted on November 23, 2018

Parashat VaYishlach Messengers of Peace November 24, 2018 – 16 Kislev 5779 Dear Friends, I hope you will join us for services this Friday night and Shabbat morning as we celebrate the bat mitzvah of Julia Blaha. Mazal Tov to Julia and to her entire family! Rabbi Barukh of Mezhbush shared the following thought, based Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on November 16, 2018

Parashat VaYetse Missing Moments… November 17, 2018 – 9 Kislev 5779   Dear Friends, The older we get, the faster time seems to fly!  This common experience should make us cherish every moment of life.  And yet, we often find ourselves rushing from activity to activity, from task to task, from project to project.  And, in our Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on November 9, 2018

 Parashat Toledot Veterans Day Weekend; Eternal Struggle or Eternal Hope November 10, 2018 – 2 Kislev 5779     Dear Friends, This week we read the Torah portion of Toldot.  The Hebrew word Toldot means: “generations”, but it can also mean “happenings” or “the story of….”. What do we read in Toldot? We read the life stories Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on October 12, 2018

  Shabbat Parashat Noah After the Flood – Then and Now October 13, 2018 – 4 Heshvan 5779     Dear Friends, It is difficult to read the weekly Torah portion of Noah as we watch and listen to the news of the devastation caused by the winds and storm surge of Hurricane Michael.  The images are Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on October 5, 2018

  Shabbat Parashat Bereishit Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh In the Moment October 6, 2018 – 27 Tishrei 5779       Dear Friends,   I hope you will join us at services this Friday night, and especially this Shabbat morning, as we celebrate the aufruf of Katie Majors and Adam Becker.  Mazal Tov to Katie and to Adam Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on October 3, 2018

  Shabbat Parashat HaAzinu Can You Top the High Holy Days?    September 22, 2018 – 13 Tishrei 5779   Dear Friends, I hope you will join us at services this Friday night, and especially this Shabbat morning, as we celebrate the aufruf of Amanda Eisner and Jeremy Granoff.  Mazal Tov to Amanda and to Jeremy Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on September 14, 2018

  Shabbat Parashat VaYelech Shabbat Shuva – The Shabbat of Repentance The Calm Before the Storm    September 15, 2018 – 6 Tishrei 5779 Dear Friends, The traditional blessing for the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is: Chatima Tova [May you be sealed for the Good] in the New Year. We paused on Rosh HaShana to take a Continue Reading »