Shabbat Parashat Ki Tavo Selichot Intro September 1, 2018 – 21 Elul 5778 Dear Friends, This Saturday night, at 9 p.m., Rodef Sholom Temple is hosting our annual Virginia Peninsula communal Selichot program and service. Our guest speaker will be Mr. Keith Harward, a beneficiary of The Innocence Project. If you would like some Continue Reading »
Shabbat Parashat Shoftim Elul Reflections August 18, 2018 – 7 Elul 5778 Dear Friends, The Jewish month of Elul gives us time to prepare our souls for the High Holy Days. During this month, we hear the sounds of the Shofar daily toward the end of weekday morning services. Throughout the month, on Continue Reading »
Shabbat Parashat Re’eh Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Elul – Day 1 Israel On My Mind August 11, 2018 – 30 Av 5778 Dear Friends, It is wonderful to have extra reasons to celebrate this Shabbat!!! Not only is it the first day of Rosh Chodesh [the beginning of the new Jewish month] Elul, this Friday Continue Reading »
Shabbat Parashat Ekev Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh Remember! August 4, 2018 – 23 Av 5778 Dear Friends, Thank you to all who responded to the Tidbits of Torah asking about the most profound and/or perplexing pieces in Siddur Lev Shalem! I appreciated your responses! Thank you to all who filled in while I was Continue Reading »
Shabbat Parashat Pinchas Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh Profound and Perplexing Pieces in Siddur Lev Shalem July 7, 2018 – 24 Tammuz 5778 Dear Friends, Our recent heat wave and July 4th having come and gone are clear indications that summer is upon us! I hope that you have had an opportunity to Continue Reading »
Shabbat Parashat Balak The Blessing of Connection June 30, 2018 – 17 Tammuz 5778 Dear Friends, Are we, Jews, destined to be an isolated people? Balaam, the non-Jewish Prophet, set out to curse our people but ended up blessing us with the famous words “Mah Tovu…” [How goodly are your tents, Continue Reading »
Shabbat Parashat Chukkat Spiritual Focus for a Better Future June 23, 2018 – 10 Tammuz 5778 Dear Friends, How is it possible for someone who is actively performing a mitzvah to lose spiritual focus as a direct result of performing that mitzvah? Or, to put it another way: Why might someone who is doing a Continue Reading »
Shabbat Parashat Korach First Bar Mitzvah in Our New Temple! June 16, 2018 – 3 Tammuz 5778 Happy Father’s Day Weekend! Dear Friends, What a joy to be celebrating our first congregational bar mitzvah in our new Temple! I hope you will join us at services this Friday night and Shabbat morning as we Continue Reading »
Shabbat Parashat Shelach Lekha Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh Past, Present and Future! June 9, 2018 – 26 Sivan 5778 Dear Friends, Tidbits of Torah is back! We are in the new building of Rodef Sholom Temple…almost set up…still working on getting re-organized…still working on completing various parts of our Temple…still in awe of Continue Reading »
Shabbat Parashat Bemidbar and Shavuot (Sunday and Monday) Wilderness Training May 19, 2018 – 5 Sivan 5778 Dear Friends, I confess that I have never done any wilderness training. Nevertheless, the concept of wilderness training is fascinating. This morning I did a cursory internet search for “wilderness training.” My internet search turned Continue Reading »
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