Tidbits of Torah

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on December 8, 2017

      Miracles and Moments          Shabbat Parashat VaYeshev December 9, 2017- 21 Kislev 5778 Dear Friends,  We are about to celebrate Chanukah (beginning Tuesday night)…and miracles. Whether it is the miracle of the victory of the Maccabees (the victory of the few over the many) who fought for religious freedom; Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on December 1, 2017

Keeping our Spirits Up          Shabbat Parashat VaYishlach December 2, 2017- 14 Kislev 5778 Dear Friends, Three wonderful Chasidic teachings, based on this week’s Torah portion of VaYishlach, shed light on the secret of Jewish survival throughout the ages. The Torah tell us that Jacob sent messengers (or angels) ahead of him Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on November 24, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving Shabbat Parashat VaYetze November 23, 2017- 5 Kislev 5778 Dear Friends, I take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a very happy Thanksgiving! I’ve always loved Thanksgiving, as a special time with family and friends, without the stress associated with choosing gifts; without a specific time schedule; and without the Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on November 17, 2017

Jewish Resources for Addressing Addiction Shabbat Parashat Toledot Shabbat Machar Chodesh – Mevarekhim HaChodesh November 18, 2017- 29 Cheshvan 5778 Dear Friends, One of the most moving experiences I had as a rabbinical student, many years ago, was a weekend spent at a retreat sponsored by a New York based organization knows as JACS (Jewish Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on October 11, 2017

      Devotion. Dedication. Delight.         Erev Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah/Bereishit    October 11, 2017- 22 Tishrei 5778 Dear Friends, This coming Sunday, October 15th, I will be flying to Israel for a few weeks to see family and friends.  As you may recall, my summer vacation was postponed this year until right after the Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on October 4, 2017

Sukkot: Especially Now – Joy and Resolve! Erev Sukkot October 4, 2017- 14 Tishrei 5778 Dear Friends, The unique thing about Sukkot is that the Torah asks us to be joyous for all seven days of Sukkot – non-stop! That is a difficult task in ordinary times. But, this week, following the horrific shooting in Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on September 29, 2017

As Yom Kippur Approaches… Shabbat Yom Kippur September 30, 2017- 10 Tishrei 5778 Dear Friends, We do our best. But, we don’t always get it right. Okay…I’m speaking for myself. If I didn’t get it right, I hope that you will forgive me. Yom Kippur is a time to re-align our souls. Let’s do our Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on September 15, 2017

      HaYom [Today]!         Shabbat Parashat Nitsavim-VaYelekh   September 16, 2017- 25 Elul 5777 Dear Friends, This is my opportunity to wish all of us a Shana Tova U’metukah – a sweet New Year, filled with blessing and with joy!  This coming week, we will celebrate Rosh HaShana!   L’Shana Tova tikatevu – Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on September 1, 2017

  Harvey and the Mitzvah of Response        Shabbat Parashat Ki Tetze  September 2, 2017- 11 Elul 5777 Dear Friends, The Jewish month of Elul is in full swing.  The High Holy Days are approaching.  And, with the passage of these precious days of Elul, we do our best to prepare for the Continue Reading »

Tidbits of Torah

Posted on August 25, 2017

    Trees and Us       Shabbat Parashat Shoftim August 26, 2017- 4 Elul 5777 Dear Friends, Yesterday, I sat in on an interior design committee meeting where we discussed the nature of various types of wood and how they might help us make our new Sanctuary beautiful, functional, and inspiring.   Often, we Continue Reading »