Shema Revisited! Shabbat Parashat Ekev August 12, 2017- 20 Av 5777 Dear Friends, We all know the Shema in the context of the verse: Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheynu, Adonai Echad [Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One]. But, the Hebrew word Shema means so much more than “Hear.” Continue Reading »
Shema! Shabbat Parashat VaEtchanan Shabbat Nachamu August 5, 2017- 13 Av 5777 Dear Friends, This Shabbat we read the Torah portion of VaEtchanan which includes both the Ten Commandments and the Torah phrase that has become the watchword of our people: Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheynu, Adonai Echad [Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Continue Reading »
Fast Forward: Fewer Fists Shabbat Parashat Devarim Shabbat Chazon July 29, 2017- 6 Av 5777 Dear Friends, This Shabbat has a special name: Shabbat Chazon [Vision Sabbath]. It gets its name from the first word of the Haftarah which opens with the words: Chazon Yeshayahu [The vision of Isaiah]. This Haftarah is read each year Continue Reading »
A Pioneering Spirit Shabbat Parashat Mattot-Mas’ey Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh July 22, 2017- 28 Tammuz 5777 Dear Friends, You may be familiar with the Hebrew word for pioneer: chalutz, or in the plural form, pioneers: chalutzim. This ancient Hebrew word holds a great message in it….As a way of beginning to explore the depth of this Continue Reading »
It’s Obvious! Or, Is It…? Shabbat Parashat Pinchas July 15, 2017- 21 Tammuz 5777 Dear Friends, How often are we sure that what seems to us to be obvious truth, will be automatically be seen as obvious truth to those around us? And, how often are we disappointed when those around us fail to see Continue Reading »
Minor Fasts: Major Messages Shabbat Parashat Balak July 8, 2017- 14 Tammuz 5777 Dear Friends, Our Torah portion, Balak, tells an ancient story that resonates today as we read of the United Nations most recent declaration that the Old City of Hebron and the Tomb of the Patriarchs (know as: Machpelah) where our Continue Reading »
Striving for Holiness – One Day at a Time! Shabbat Parashat Korach Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Tammuz June 23, 2017- 30 Sivan 5777 Dear Friends, The final section of last week’s parsha dealt with the mitzvah of tzitzit. We are to place four fringes on a four-cornered garment and by so doing we Continue Reading »
Grasshoppers and “Bubble-hopping” Shabbat Parashat Shelach-Lekha Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh June 17, 2017- 23 Sivan 5777 Dear Friends, As is true for many of us, for the most part, I live in a world of assumptions and of circumstances that are familiar to me. This is my comfort zone. This is my “bubble.” Continue Reading »
Believe it…or not? Shabbat Parashat B’ha’a’lot’cha June 10, 2017- 16 Sivan 5777 Dear Friends, There is a saying: “Seeing is believing.” But, sometimes, for various reasons, we see things and we still doubt what we have seen with our own eyes. We are skeptical about what we ourselves experience, and we are Continue Reading »
Riches and Blessings Shabbat Parashat Naso June 3, 2017- 9 Sivan 5777 Dear Friends, The threefold blessing, also known as the Priestly blessing, comes right out of our weekly Torah portion! “May Adonai bless and protect you. May Adonai’s countenance shine upon you and may Adonai bestow kindness upon you. May Adonai’s Continue Reading »
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