What Would Elie Wiesel Have Said? Shabbat Parashat Korach July 9, 2016 – 3 Tammuz 5776 Dear Friends, It is so ironic that shortly after the passing of Elie Wiesel, we are witnessing the effects of violence, unchecked, in our midst. The unfolding stories of Minnesota, Louisiana, and now of Dallas, Texas, loom over us, Continue Reading »
Celebrating Independence! Shabbat Parashat Sh’lach L’kha Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh July 2, 2016 – 26 Sivan 5776 Dear Friends, Independence Day is right around the corner! A very happy 4th of July to all! We have much to celebrate this weekend. We will be celebrating Shabbat. We will be celebrating the inauguration of our new Siddur Continue Reading »
Blessing and Joy Shabbat Parashat B’ha’a’lot’kha June 25, 2016 – 19 Sivan 5776 Dear Friends, How can we help with our Rodef Sholom Temple move? There are many ways! Some of us are helping with the physical challenges that the move to an interim space involves. Some of us are helping by being a presence Continue Reading »
Tel Aviv. Orlando. Shabbat Parashat Naso June 18, 2016 – 12 Sivan 5776 Dear Friends, As we move into our temporary abode at the JCC, I share with you my blessings for a bright future, as well as my Facebook post in response to recent events in the news. This is what I posted: “Tel Continue Reading »
Nomads: Then and Now…! Shabbat Parashat B’Midbar Confirmation and more…. June 11, 2016 – 5 Sivan 5776 Dear Friends, I hope you will join us for services this Friday night as we celebrate the Confirmation of Dana Fraley, Micah Hochman, Sam Kluger and Hallie Rubenstein. This will be the final Confirmation ceremony held at 318 Continue Reading »
The Ultimate Blessing Shabbat Parashat B’hukkotai Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh June 4, 2016 – 27 Iyyar 5776 Dear Friends, I hope you will join us for services this Friday night (at 8:00 p.m.!) and this Shabbat morning, as we celebrate the bat mitzvah of Sydney Frank. Mazal Tov to Sydney and to her entire family! This Continue Reading »
The Message from the Mountain Shabbat Parashat B’har May 28, 2016 – 20 Iyyar 5776 Dear Friends, Why are some adventurous people always trying to climb mountains? Why are all of us interested in how those mountain climbers fare? It seems that there is a message that comes from the mountain…. Our people stood at Continue Reading »
The Message from the Mountain Shabbat Parashat B’har May 28, 2016 – 20 Iyyar 5776 Dear Friends, Why are some adventurous people always trying to climb mountains? Why are all of us interested in how those mountain climbers fare? It seems that there is a message that comes from the mountain…. Our people stood at Continue Reading »
One Day at a Time! Shabbat Parashat Emor May 21, 2016 – 12 Iyyar 5776 Dear Friends, I hope you will join us this Friday night and Shabbat morning as we celebrate the bat mitzvah of Margo Lamson. Mazal Tov to Margo and to her entire family! Our weekly Torah portion, Emor, Continue Reading »
A Happy 68th! Shabbat Parashat Kedoshim May 14, 2016 – 6 Iyyar 5776 Dear Friends, Israel is celebrating its 68th birthday and we are blessed to be able to celebrate with her!!! It’s fireworks time! It’s songfest time! It’s family time! It’s “get out into nature” time. It’s barbecue and picnic time! Continue Reading »
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