Tidbits of Torah

Torah Tidbits

Posted on March 6, 2015

Wisdom, Understanding and Divine Inspiration       Shabbat Parashat Ki Tissa March 7, 2015 – 16 Adar 5775 Dear Friends, Purim was very special at Rodef Sholom Temple this year!  Thanks to our volunteers and organizers for doing such a great job preparing us for this special time of the year!!!!   And, thanks to our members’ Continue Reading »

Torah Tidbits

Posted on March 3, 2015

In Search Mode Shabbat Parashat Tetsaveh Shabbat Zakhor February 28, 2015 – 9 Adar 5775 Dear Friends, The light of the Menorah described in our weekly Torah portion of Tetsaveh points to our very human need to light up our surroundings so that we can better know how to take the next step in life.  Continue Reading »

Torah Tidbits

Posted on February 20, 2015

Building Together!    Shabbat Parashat Terumah February 21, 2015 – 2 Adar 5775 Dear Friends, Adar is a month of heightened joy in the Jewish calendar!  It is the month in which we look forward to the joys of Purim as well as to the beginning of Spring.  It is a time of coming together in Continue Reading »

Torah Tidbits

Posted on February 13, 2015

The Joy of Being Counted! Shabbat Parashat Mishpatim Shabbat Shekalim Mevarekhim HaChodesh February 14, 2015 – 25 Shevat 5775   Dear Friends, I hope you will join with us at services on this Shabbat as we celebrate the bat mitzvah of Dahvi Hochman.  Mazal Tov to Dahvi and to her entire family! Some thoughts connected Continue Reading »

Torah Tidbits

Posted on February 6, 2015

It’s A Process!     Shabbat Parashat Yitro February 7, 2015 – 18 Shevat 5775   Dear Friends,  I hope that you will join us for Sisterhood Shabbat this Friday night and for Shabbat services tomorrow morning.  Sisterhood Shabbat promises to be a wonderful communal happening.  On Shabbat morning we will be reading the Parsha Continue Reading »

Torah Tidbits

Posted on January 30, 2015

Say it with a Song!   Shabbat Parashat B’Shalach Shabbat Shirah January 31, 2015 – 11 Shevat 5775 Dear Friends, As Jews, there are so many uplifting and inspiring values that we represent.   There are also so many complex challenges that we face.   In the midst of all of that, we may, at times, forget to Continue Reading »

Torah Tidbits

Posted on January 23, 2015

The Positive Power of Community  Shabbat Parashat Bo January 24, 2015 – 4 Shevat 5775 Dear Friends, As a child, I remember my discomfort at the Torah’s narrative of the Exodus because I could not understand why the population of Egypt had to suffer the plagues just because of the stubbornness of Pharaoh. As an Continue Reading »

Torah Tidbits

Posted on January 16, 2015

Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism Shabbat Parashat Va’era Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh January 17, 2015 – 26 Tevet 5775 Dear Friends, My friend and colleague, Rabbi Tom Cohen, is the rabbi of a Conservative/Masorti congregation in Paris.  His wife, Rabbi Pauline Bebe, is the rabbi of a Reform congregation in Paris.  Many years ago, I traveled to Continue Reading »

Torah Tidbits

Posted on January 9, 2015

Masks and Motives…   Shabbat Parashat Shemot January 10, 2015 – 19 Tevet 5775 Dear Friends, Masks can be so much fun.  But, depending on the circumstances, they can also be anything but fun. Earlier this week, three masked gunmen raided the Paris offices of the newspaper Charlie Hebdo.  With their faces well hidden beneath Continue Reading »

Torah Tidbits

Posted on January 5, 2015

A Grandparent’s Blessing – then and now! Shabbat Parashat Vayechi January 3, 2015 – 12 Tevet 5775 Dear Friends, Not all of us are lucky enough to know our grandparents.  And if we do, not all of us have a close relationship with them.  Especially in our day and age, when families are often spread Continue Reading »