Spiritual Resilience Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot October 3, 2015 – 20 Tishrey 5776 Dear Friends, Today, we are painfully aware of the reality of life’s challenges. From yet another mass shooting in our country, to the murderous attack on a Jewish couple in Israel in the presence of their four young Continue Reading »
Celebrating the New Year!!! Shabbat Parashat Ha’azinu September 26, 2015 – 13 Tishrey 5776 Dear Friends, How wonderful it is to be beginning a New Year with a celebration! Having just completed the Ten Days of Repentence, we start the Jewish New Year off on this Sunday evening with the celebration of Sukkot! Continue Reading »
Shana Tova!!! Shabbat Parashat Nitsavim September 12, 2015 – 28 Elul 5775 Dear Friends, I wish you and your loved ones a Shana Tova u’Metukah – a good and a sweet new year, filled with joy and blessing! This week, as we approach Rosh HaShana, we read the Torah portion of Nitsavim. Parashat Continue Reading »
Study What?! Shabbat Parashat Ki Tavo September 5, 2015 – 21 Elul 5775 Dear Friends, Who would have thought that our Sages had to struggle to get their children to Religious School?! A talmudic tale relates the story of Rav Huna’s struggle to get his son to study Torah with Rav Continue Reading »
Do Not Remain Indifferent! Shabbat Parashat Ki Tetse August 29, 2015 – 14 Elul 5775 Dear Friends, Dangerous situations, it would seem, are a very real part of our lives. This past week, four American heroes, along with others, saved the day! On a train traveling the Amsterdam-Paris route, the heroes took action. They overcome Continue Reading »
The Truth is… Shabbat Parashat Shof’tim August 22, 2015 – 7 Elul 5775 Dear Friends, How many times have we used the phrase: “The truth is…”? Well, the truth is…that truth is often elusive. Our weekly Torah portion, Shof’tim [Judges], reminds us of the importance of truth as a foundational value in our Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, As we move into the new Jewish month of Elul, we begin preparing ourselves for the upcoming High Holy Days that will usher in the new Jewish year of 5776. During the month of Elul, we will sound the shofar toward the end of each of our weekday morning minyan services. This sound Continue Reading »
As Elul Approaches… Shabbat Parashat Ekev Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh August 8, 2015 – 23 Av 5775 Dear Friends, It is good to be back and to have the opportunity to catch up with so many wonderful folks at Rodef Sholom Temple! And, thank you and yasher koach [may you have continued strength] to all the Continue Reading »
Charleston On My Mind Shabbat Parashat Chukkat June 27, 2015 – 10 Tammuz 5775 Dear Friends, Charleston, South Carolina – such a beautiful city. So much history. So much sadness today. But, at the same time, so much determination and so much hope. Charleston is on my mind. I am sure you are watching Continue Reading »
Transitions: A Journey of Discovery Shabbat Parashat Shelach-Lekha Shabbat Mevarekhim HaChodesh June 13, 2015 – 26 Sivan 5775 Dear Friends, We are all on a journey. Sometimes, the journey of life is smooth. Sometimes, we find ourselves “in transition” with all the accompanying ambiguity, discomfort, and uncertainty that is engendered by such times. That is Continue Reading »
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