“The God in whose ways my fathers, Abraham and Isaac walked, The God who has been my shepherd from my birth to this day —” Continue Reading »
Then Joseph said to his brothers, “Come forward to me.” And when they came forward, he said, “I am your brother Joseph, he whom you sold into Egypt. Now do not be distressed (sad) or reproach yourselves because you sold me hither; it was to save life that God sent me ahead of you. Continue Reading »
And when all the land of Egypt felt the hunger, the people cried out to Pharaoh for bread; and Pharaoh said to all the Egyptians, “Go to Joseph; whatever he tells you, you shall do.” Breysheet/Genesis 41:55 They said to one another, “Alas, we are being punished on account of our brother, because we Continue Reading »
On Chanukah 1897, four months after the conclusion of the First Zionist Congress, an article penned by Theodore Herzl, entitled, “The Menorah,” appeared in Die Welt, the Zionist newspaper he had founded earlier that year. Herzl begins the article as a fable and writes in the third person. “The eighth night arrived, when all the Continue Reading »
My phone recently highlighted a photo memory of my son Yonatan playing on the University of Vermont’s Roller Hockey team, a team which travelled to participate in tournaments against other colleges. The photo was from a tournament wherein they played a team from Yeshiva University and reminded me of an amusing encounter which took place Continue Reading »
A Tidbit of Torah – Parshat Vayishlach 5784 Jacob arrived safe (literally, “whole”) in the city of Shechem which is in the land of Canaan — having come thus from Paddan-aram — and he encamped before the city. B’reysheet / Genesis 33:18 Our teacher, the S’fat Emet1, focuses on the more literal meaning of the Continue Reading »
(10) Jacob left Beer-sheba, and set out for Haran. (11) He came upon a certain place and stopped there for the night… and lay down in that place. (12) He had a dream; a stairway was set on the ground and its top reached to the sky, and angels of God were going up and Continue Reading »
Tidbit of Torah – Parshat Toldot 5784 Reflections on the March for Israel Chazak, Chazak, V’nitchazek. Many will recognize this formula which is recited both by the congregation and the Torah reader upon the completion of reading a book of the Torah. It was also the impetus for the answer I gave when someone on Continue Reading »
A Tidbit of Torah – Parshat Chaye Sarah 5784 Jewish Book Month Celebrating Jewish Book Month Given the current situation in Israel and the challenges facing Jews around the world I share with you several titles which I hope you will find edifying and even inspiring. Each of them has been featured as a Jewish Continue Reading »
A Tidbit of Torah – Parshat Vayera 5784 Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. (B’reysheet / Genesis 21:19) Rabbi Binyamin stated, “All have an aspect of blindness about them until the Holy One enlightens one’s eyes.” (Breysheet Rabbah 53) Building upon this statement The Chiddushei HaRim (1) taught, “Everything Continue Reading »
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