Shabbat Parashat Devarim July 21, 2023 – 3 Av 5783 These are the words that Moses addressed to all Israel on the other side of the Jordan. – Devarim / Deuteronomy 1:1 The Gra(1) parsed the opening words of this passage giving particular emphasis to the middle phrase. “These are the words that Moses addressed to”, the Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, With gratitude and joy in my heart for having been privileged to serve as your pulpit Rabbi for the past 22 years, I write this final Tidbits of Torah, as a blessing and thanks to Rodef Sholom Temple. RST is a wonderful, vibrant congregation. Thanks to the leadership, membership, staff and volunteers of Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, With gratitude and joy in my heart for having been privileged to serve as your pulpit Rabbi for the past 22 years, I write this final Tidbits of Torah, as a blessing and thanks to Rodef Sholom Temple. RST is a wonderful, vibrant congregation. Thanks to the leadership, membership, staff and volunteers of Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope you will join us for services this Shabbat as we celebrate the aufruf preceding the upcoming marriage of Marissa Arager and Jacob Perdue. Mazal Tov to Marissa and to Jacob and to their families! Their simcha is our simcha! This Shabbat morning we will also be reciting the blessing of the Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope you will join us for services this Friday night and Shabbat as we celebrate the bat mitzvah of Netta Marziano. Mazal Tov to Netta and to her whole family! We have recently concluded the counting of the Omer and celebrated that culmination with the holiday of Shavuot. Going forward, we rely Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope you will join us for services this Friday night to celebrate our New Members and our Religious School Teachers and Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tutors! Our Religious School Teachers and our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tutors do such outstanding work with our youth! Yasher koach to all of them! This Shabbat morning we will be Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, Believe it or not….This coming week, Israel is celebrating her 75th birthday! Mazal Tov to us all! We will be having a special Israeli foods dinner tonight after Kabbalat Shabbat services with an Israel trivia game included as part of the evening’s celebration. Join us! On Sunday the UJCVP will be holding an Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, Our double Torah portion includes the parsha of Kedoshim [Holy]. The quest for holiness is ongoing and complex. Only God is “fully” holy. As human beings, we can only strive to achieve levels of holiness; to hold onto them or we to rise up in our levels of holiness. Parashat Kedoshim includes various ways Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope you will join us this Friday night and Shabbat morning as we celebrate the bar mitzvah of Levi Lacey. Mazal Tov to Levi and to his entire family! This Shabbat we are reading the beginning of the third book of the Five Books of Moses, Leviticus, or Vayikra as it is Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, Passover is just around the corner! This Shabbat we will be reciting the blessing for the new Jewish month of Nisan – the month in which, according to the Torah, our people experienced the Exodus from Egypt – one of the greatest “transitions” of all times. Rosh Chodesh Nisan will be on Wednesday Continue Reading »
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