Operation Isaiah

Operation Isaiah

Rodef Sholom Temple High Holy Day Food Drive

“…share your food with the hungry…take the homeless into your home… clothe the naked when you see him…”
From the Haftarah for Yom Kippur morning, Isaiah 58:6-7

This year, our congregation is joining the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism’s campaign to collect and distribute non-perishable items to donate to our UJCVP Jewish Family Services, the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank, and HUD-VASH, a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs program that supports homeless Veterans.

  • Please place the donations in a bag from your home or one that is available for pickup at the synagogue.
    • Please do not carry empty or full bags to or from RST on Shabbat.
    • Please do not bring bags to RST on Yom Kippur or Shabbat.
  • Donations will be accepted in the Temple office during weekday office hours on
    • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: October 7, 8, 10 & 11,
    • Monday and Tuesday: October 14 & 15, and
    • Monday and Tuesday:  October 21 & 22.
    • Last Day for drop-off is Monday, October 28th.
    • Note:  Office Hours:
      • Monday and Thursday – 8am – 4pm
      • Tuesday – 9 am – Noon
      • Friday – 8am – 3pm

The following suggested non-perishable items are in demand:

  • canned tuna
  • peanut butter
  • canned beans
  • canned fruit
  • canned vegetables
  • fruit preserves
  • pasta
  • rice
  • instant potatoes
  • baby food
  • powdered milk
  • ready-to-eat items.

If you don’t have time to shop for groceries, Jewish Family Services requests gift certificates from grocery stores. There is a box in the Temple lobby where you can drop them off.

Thank you!

RST Social Action Committee