Musical Moments


Musical Moment – Parshat Chukkat

A retelling of the tragic story of Yiftach’s daughter as presented in the Haftarah for this Shabbat.

Bat Yiftach – Rayzel Raphael – Bible Babes A Beltin’

Bat Yiftach at JTS: Bronwen’s Pre-show Talk

Short introduction to a fascinating presentation below of the story of Yiftach’s daughter which builds on a connection between text, midrash, and performative art.

Bat Yiftach at JTS: Yiftach’s Neder (excerpt)

The Hebrew refrain is the beginning of the vow spoken by Yiftach in the Haftarah: “If You will cause the Ammonites to fall into my hands…”

For your convenience, Psalm 45, referenced in Bronwen’s introduction above.

  1. To the chief Musician, according to Shoshannim, A Maskil for the sons of Korah; A song of love. 2. My heart overflows with a goodly theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a fast writer. 3. You are the fairest of the sons of men; loving kindness is poured into your lips; therefore, God has blessed you forever. 4. Gird your sword upon your thigh, O most mighty, with your glory and your majesty. 5. And in your majesty ride prosperously on in the cause of truth and for the sake of righteousness; and let your right hand teach you awesome things. 6. Your arrows are sharp; the peoples fall under you; they sink into the heart of the enemies of the king. 7. Your throne, O God, is for ever and ever; the scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of equity. 8. You love righteousness, and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your companions. 9. All your garments are fragrant with myrrh, and aloes, and cassia. From ivory palaces stringed instruments make you glad. 10. Daughters of kings are among your ladies of honor; at your right hand stands the queen in gold of Ophir. 11. Listen, O daughter, and consider, and incline your ear; forget your own people, and your father’s house; 12. And the king shall desire your beauty; bow to him because he is your lord. 13. And O daughter of Tyre, the rich among the people shall entreat your favor with a gift. 14. The daughter of the king is all glorious within; her clothing is of embroidered gold. 15. She shall be brought to the king in embroidered garments; the virgins, her companions, who follow her, shall be brought to you. 16. With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought; they shall enter the king’s palace. 17. Instead of your fathers shall be your children, whom you shall make princes in all the earth. 18. I will make your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore, the peoples shall praise you for ever and ever.


Musical Moments – Parshat Korach, Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

This Shabbat we also mark Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, the beginning of the new Hebrew month. When Rosh Chodesh falls on Shabbat a special Haftarah is read and the first this week’s songs is built upon verses from these words of the prophet Isaiah. The prophet expresses the Divine promise of restoration for the Israelites is predicated on their return to God.

The second song uses the incident in our Torah portion about the conflict initiated by Korach to reflect on the question of choices.

Sisu Eht Yerushalayim – Rejoice With Jerusalem

Rejoice with Jerusalem, be glad about her,
be glad all you that love her,
all who love her.

On your walls, O city of David
I have stationed watchmen, all day and night.

Do not fear, my servant Jacob,
for your enemies shall be scattered before you.

Look about you and behold; see all
as they are all gathering and coming unto you.

And your people are all holy
and forever shall inherit the land.

Bad Choices – SAFAM

Live performance:

Studio recording:


Musical Moment – Parshat Naso

This week’s Torah portion contains Birkat Kohanim, the threefold blessing bestowed upon the Israelites by the Kohanim. The blessing has been incorporated into a variety of lifecycle rituals and our liturgy. In traditional communities it is recited by Kohanim in the congregation on festivals (Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot) and in referred to as “Duchening”, a reference to the platform upon which the Kohanim stood in the Temple.

Birkat Kohanim – Blue Fringe

Birkat Kohanim – Micky Gabay

Y’va-reh-ch’-cha Adonai, v’Yish-m’-reh-cha.
Ya’air Adonai panav eh-leh-cha vee-chu-neh-ka.
Yee-sah Adonai panav eh-leh-cha, v’ya-same l’cha shalom.

May Adonai bless and protect you.
May Adonai’s countenance shine upon you
and may Adonai bestow kindness upon you.
May Adonai’s countenance be lifted toward you
and may Adonai grant you peace.


Musical Moment – Shavuot

Songs of Torah and Shavuot –

Instrumental and Inspirational

Laasok B’divrei Torah – Kol B’Seder
Based on the blessing recited prior to the study of Torah

Alli En El Midbar – Gerard Edery – Ladino

There in the desert I saw burning
I saw the tablets of the Law brought down
And look, this man is our teacher Moses
Who went up and came down from the Heavens

The angels of Heaven want to burn him
Born of woman, what does he look for in sanctity?

The angels of Heaven are envious of him
He is but a man, what does he search for in Heaven?

Sweet as Honey – Dan Nichols and 18
Based on the blessing recited prior to the study of Torah

Talmud Torah – Safam ​​​​


Musical Moment – Parshat B’midbar

Both of the artists below take two verses from this week’s haftarah as the core of their song. Aaron Berk sets the verses in the context of our patriarch Jacob’s love for Rachel using several verses from the Book of Genesis as a frame. Craig Taubman uses the verses as part of a song sung between spouses anticipating how their marriage will foster their growth as individuals.

Shared by both songs are the verses from the prophet Hoshea (2:21-22) stating the Holy One’s pledge to restore the relationship with the people of Israel.

V’ay-ras-tich li l’olam

V’ay-ras-tich li b’tzedek
uv’mish’pat uv’chesed uv’rachamim

V’ay-ras-tich li b’emunah
veyada’at et Adonai

And I will espouse you forever:
I will espouse you with righteousness and justice,
And with goodness and mercy,
And I will espouse you with faithfulness;
Then you shall be devoted to God.

Craig Taubman – V’ay-ras-tich Li

Aharon Berk – V’erastich Li

Odenu m’daber, v’he-nay ba Rachel
Va’yagel eht ha-eh-ven mey-al pee ha-b’err
Va-ya-vod b’Rachel sheh-vah shanim
V’ha-yoo b’ey-nav k’yamim ah-cha-deem

V’ay-ras-tich li l’olam

V’ay-ras-tich li b’tzedek
uv’mish’pat uv’chesed uv’rachamim
V’ay-ras-tich li b’emunah
veyada’at et Adonai

Aaron Berk quotes parts of the following verses. I have left the verses complete placing a frame around the omitted phrases.

While he was still speaking with them, [Rachel came with her father’s flock; for she was a shepherdess.]  And when Jacob saw Rachel, [the daughter of his uncle Laban, and the flock of his uncle Laban,] Jacob went up and rolled the stone off the mouth of the well… So Jacob served seven years for Rachel and they seemed to him but a few days [because of his love for her.] Genesis 32:9-10, 20


Musical Moment – Parshat B’chukkotai
The song is based on a verse from the words of the prophet Jeremiah in this week’s Haftarah.

Ve’haya Ke’ets Shatoul – Shmuel Levy LevYatan
And he shall be like a tree planted by waters

Ve’haya ke’ets shatoul ahl palgey mayim
Asher piryo yeeten b’eetoh
V’ehlav loh yipol

And he shall be like a tree planted by waters,
Whose fruit ripens in season
And whose leaves do not drop.

Ve’haya ke’ets shatoul ahl palgey mayim
V’chol ahser ya’ahseh yatzliach,

And he shall be like a tree planted by waters,
And all that he does shall succeed/flourish

Waiting For Or1 (Waiting For Light) – Guy and Yahel

Our Torah portion speaks about the value of human beings, an idea echoed in the song Waiting for Or (Light) written in memory of Or Abramov.

The path home is very long
too many days without sleep
we waited for the sunrise and it didn’t come
it won’t come until you arrive also

We are waiting for Or
and here he touches
how much time have we been waiting for your return

We are waiting for Or
perhaps you can hear
you promised to return and the sunrise is still waiting

The days pass and no one can say
when the entry door will open
the children have been crying since the moment you left
if only you’ll be able to come before the sunset

We are waiting for Or
and here he touches
how much time have we been waiting for your return

We are waiting for Or
perhaps you can hear
you promised to return and the sunrise is still waiting.

1.      Or is the name of a person as well as the Hebrew word for light. ​​​​​​


Musical Moment – Parshat B’har

On Sunday we will celebrate Lag BaOmer, the 33rd day in the counting of the period between Pesach and Shavuot. Part of Lag BaOmer lore connects this day with Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, a second century sage who was also known for his engagement with Jewish mysticism. The song reflects on his influence and its infusion into the celebration of Shabbat.

Sefardic Song about Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai was a principal student of Rabbi Akiva. Here is a Safam song based on a teaching of his regarding the importance of our children as students and thus perpetuators of Torah.

Amar Rabbi Akiva – SAFAM


Musical Moment – Parshat Emor

Eden Golan – Hurricane – Israel’s Eurovision Performance 2024

Netta – Toy – Israel’s Most Recent Eurovision First Place Finish 2018

Ilanit – Ey Sham – Israel’s First Eurovision Appearance 1973

The Eurovision Song Contest began as a technical experiment in television broadcasting. The live, simultaneous, transnational broadcast that Europe has been watching for nearly 70 years was at its inception in 1956 considered an incredible marvel. The Eurovision Song Contest has continued to evolve and expand from a seven-nation competition to include 52 nations this year including Israel since 1973.

Eurovision’s organizers have always insisted that the contest was not a place for politics. Despite that, pro-Palestinian groups and some Eurovision fans have been trying for months to get the contest’s organizers, the European Broadcasting Union, to ban the Israeli entrant, Eden Golan, from taking part at this year’s event in Malmo, Sweden.

Protests were particularly vocal after the title of Golan’s entry was announced in February: “October Rain,” an apparent reference to last year’s Hamas attacks, in which about 1,200 people were killed and 240 taken hostage. The European Broadcasting Union objected that the title and some of the song’s lyrics were overly political, and asked Israel to change them. Golan tweaked the song, which is now called “Hurricane”.
Eden Golan performed in a tense atmosphere with conflicts amongst contestants and in the face of booing from a segment of the audience. In the end Switzerland won the competition by dominating the jury vote, while Israel’s Eden Golan, scored a strong second in the public vote, and placed fifth overall.


Musical Moment – Parshat Kedoshim

Ki Tavo’u El Ha’aretz – And When You Shall Come into the Land

The song is based on the conditional statement in our Torah portion, “When you enter the land” leading to various laws obligating the Israelites to share the bounty of the land with those in need. I am sharing three versions by different artists, the first being the most traditional. Also, don’t think I have “lost it” when you see the gospel choir below. Iris and Ofer have incorporated a “gospel” sound to their music. The second link below their name will take you to a description of their work and their involvement in the Israeli music scene.

Yardena Arzi, Mazi Cohen, Reuven Gewirtz, and Yoel Lerner

And when you shall come into the land,
And have first planted all manner of trees,
Then shall the trees yield each its fruit
And the land its harvest.

A time to plant trees
A time to plant and to build.

And you shall sit every man under his vine
And under his fig-tree,
And you shall be like a tree, planted
By streams of water.

A time to plant…

And you shall rebuild the old wastes,
You shall raise up the former desolations,
And you shall live upon your land
In security forever more.

A time to plant…

Iris & Ofer Portugaly and Their “Gospel” Choir

MOAV is an Israeli group performing instrumental covers for old Hebrew songs featuring Eli Benacot, Inbar Fridman, Lior Ozeri, and David Sirkis


Musical Moment – Parshat Acharei Mot

HaLehakot HaTzva’iyot – Bayit Lehilachem (A Home To Fight For)

Hebrew with English subtitles

Hatikva 6 – Giborei Al (Super Heroes)


So the Bible teacher serves in Givati

The language teacher in intelligence.

The neighbor upstairs works in construction

but has already been in the reserves for a month.

The lawyer is a “Kambatzit” (operations manager)

working shifts in the military division.

Her brother, a senior hi-tech guy, now he is a sniper on rooftops in the Strip.

The tough branch manager of the bank is a sergeant in Judea and Samaria.

Doron, he’s the owner of a toy store,

now he is a company commander in the armored corps.

And our beloved Amedi, who usually sings in Caesarea,

Is a combat engineering soldier bravely recovering

after being wounded in the heart of Gaza.



It’s true everyone looks ordinary — but,

We’re a nation of superheroes

In each of us there is always a soldier hidden,

Ready to save the world


The bus driver from “Dan”,

The one who is always on time,

He is now the commander of an artillery battery in the south near Nir Am


There is a student at the Technion,

In the middle of his bachelor’s degree,

He is a captain in the 91st division in the Galil,

stationed for a month already at the northern border.


There is a model here who is a paramedic.

There is an electrician here who is a MAG shooter.

There is Yoni, a gifted saxophone player,

who is first and foremost a warrior in Sayeret Matkal (Elite unit).

Everyone has a hidden closet

or a large, equipped box

He has a set of uniforms or a reserves outfit, always ready for action.



It’s true that everyone here looks normal — but,

We are a nation of superheroes

In each of us there is always a soldier hidden,

Ready to save the world


And it doesn’t matter if we are in the middle of living life

or in the middle of a soccer game,

Everyone will drop everything in a second if the flag calls out to them

This is not a parallel universe,

Not a “Marvel” reality

This is our story – the nation of Israel.


Musical Moment – Pesach

There are a multitude of songs related to Pesach and I have chosen a few including an old spiritual, “Go Down Moses”, a playful parody, a contemporary retelling of the Exodus narrative and Moshe Salio de Misraim (Moshe Came out of Egypt), which comes from the Moroccan Ladino tradition, captures in song the major events of Moshe’s life from his flight from Egypt to his encounter with GOD on Mt. Horeb.

Go Down Moses – Alan Eder

Go Down Moses – Louis Armstrong

Go down Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all pharaohs to
Let my people go!

When Israel was in Egypt land
Let my people go!

Oppressed so hard they could not stand
Let my people go!

So the God said: Go down, Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all pharaohs to
Let my people go!

So Moses went to Egypt land
Let my people go!

He made all Pharaohs understand
Let my people go!

Yes the Lord said: Go down, Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all Pharaohs to
Let my people go!

Les Misérables – Passover – The Maccabeats

Yetziat Mitzrayim – Eti Ankri (Hebrew with subtitles)

Moshe Salio de Misraim (Moshe Came Out of Egypt) – Vanessa Paloma
From the Moroccan Ladino tradition

Moses went out of Egypt
fleeing from king Pharaoh

Went directly to the land of Midian
and met Jethro

He was given his (Jethro’s) daughter
because he was God-fearing,

Moses tended to his flock
which his father-in-law assigned to him.

While working
he came to the mountain of Horeb

He seated himself on a rock
waiting to see God.

He heard a voice which said
“Moses, Moses, my servant”

Take off your shoes
You are in a Holy place.

Go straight to Egypt
tell king Pharaoh

To send out my people
my Hebrew people.

And if he will not let them go
I will punish him

With ten plagues which I will send him
so that he will know who I am.

Give thanks to the Lord for His goodness
for His everlasting graciousness.

​​​​​​​Praised be His name
because of his continuing goodness.


Musical Moment – Pesach 5784
There are a multitude of songs related to Pesach and I have chosen a few including an old spiritual, “Go Down Moses”, a playful parody, a contemporary retelling of the Exodus narrative and Moshe Salio de Misraim (Moshe Came out of Egypt), which comes from the Moroccan Ladino tradition, captures in song the major events of Moshe’s life from his flight from Egypt to his encounter with GOD on Mt. Horeb.

Go Down Moses – Alan Eder

Go Down Moses – Louis Armstrong

Go down Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all pharaohs to
Let my people go!
When Israel was in Egypt land
Let my people go!
Oppressed so hard they could not stand
Let my people go!
So the God said: Go down, Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all pharaohs to
Let my people go!
So Moses went to Egypt land
Let my people go!
He made all Pharaohs understand
Let my people go!
Yes the Lord said: Go down, Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all Pharaohs to
Let my people go!

Les Misérables – Passover – The Maccabeats

Yetziat Mitzrayim – Eti Ankri (Hebrew with subtitles)

​​​​​​​Moshe Salio de Misraim (Moshe Came Out of Egypt) – Vanessa Paloma
From the Moroccan Ladino tradition
Moses went out of Egypt
fleeing from king Pharaoh
Went directly to the land of Midian
and met Jethro
He was given his (Jethro’s) daughter
because he was God-fearing,
Moses tended to his flock
which his father-in-law assigned to him.
While working
he came to the mountain of Horeb
He seated himself on a rock
waiting to see God.
He heard a voice which said
“Moses, Moses, my servant”
Take off your shoes
You are in a Holy place.
Go straight to Egypt
tell king Pharaoh
To send out my people
my Hebrew people.
And if he will not let them go
I will punish him
With ten plagues which I will send him
so that he will know who I am.
Give thanks to the Lord for His goodness
for His everlasting graciousness.
Praised be His name
because of his continuing goodness.


A Musical Moment – Parshat Shmini / Shabbat Hachodesh 5784

It shouldn’t surprise anyone when I say that there are not (m)any songs about keeping kosher or the lists of animals, fish, fowl, and insects which inhabit our Torah portion this week. So, I share with you two songs of the same title about King David. The first speaks about David in his youth when he was a shepherd tending his family’s flocks, watching over the baby sheep and goats. (A bit of a stretch but our Torah portion does mention these animals.) Having begun with King David, the second song is the more familiar song about the beloved monarch.

David Melech Yisrael – Chava Alberstein

David the king of Israel
who when he was (still) a shepherd
sat on a rock and played the flute
do re mi fa mi fa re

And the baby-goats and the baby-sheep
she-goats and the sheep
bleated me-me-me-me-me-me
what a magical tune

The world was filled with bleating
of the baby-goats and the baby-sheep
of the sheep and the ewes
by day and night

David put down his flute
with a silent song he sounded his voice
lu lu lu lu lu
and everyone fell asleep.

David Melech Yisrael – Neshama Carlebach ​​​​​​​

David is king, king of Israel
alive and existing.

Good sign
and good luck
may we have
and all of Israel


Musical Moment – Parshat Tzav

Canaanite Blues – Ehud Banai

This moving piece captures the reality of the empty chair at our tables left by those no longer present with us but who were incredibly important in our lives, helping to shape the people we have become.


​​​​​​​Since you’ve left, much here has changed
This is the time of madness
Of endless tumult
And with every new moment
Calamity is not upon us
And its all broadcast live,
its all exploding
And in a different plane, over the same Gemara page
You and I sit up all night
Worlds of calm
Pardes Hannah-Karkur
A eucalyptus in the wind
Whistles Canaanite Blues

Since you left, the darkness here is growing
Your light still shines, still glows
It’s a few local shows,
You know
The same song of pain, over and over
And in a different plane
Around the Shabbat Table
Everybody sits together
You and I as well
Worlds of calm
Pardes Hannah-Karkur
A lonely eucalyptus
Whistles Canaanite Blues

Since you left, much here has changed
It’s an electronic world, it’s a little hard to talk
And words like yours
Nobody says anymore
Your candle still casts light, still burns
And in a different plane, after a show
We’ll pass around a pungent wreath of thorns
Worlds of calm
Pardes Hannah-Karkur
A giant eucalyptus
Whistles Canaanite Blues

Since you left, much here has changed
Your candle still casts light, still burns.


A Purim Musical Moment

Mishenichnas Adar

A Collaboration by Franciska

This is a fun twist on an old classic. This is based on a phrase in the Talmud, “Mishenichnas Adar Marbin B’simcha” – “When (the month of) Adar arrives we are especially joyous” reflecting on the upcoming celebration of Purim.

Purim has encouraged a myriad of parodies and shpiels (plays and skits), with many rooted in the culture of the time. Enjoy!

An Encanto Purim – The Maccabeats (We Don’t Talk About Haman)

Boo Hoo Haman – Rabbi B

Kermit the Frog – Purim Parody


Musical Moment – Parshat Pekudey

Shuly Nathan – Ana Eli / Please God

Please God, Please God,
make me an instrument for your missions.
Please God, Please God,
make me an instrument for your missions.

Where there is hatred –
let me show love
Where there is anger – forgiveness
Where there is darkness – light
Where there is sadness – happiness
Sovereign of the Universe

Please God…

God give me peace of mind
to accept what I cannot change
Please make me brave of heart
to change what I can
And please give me the wisdom
to distinguish between the two.

Please God…


Musical Moment – Parshat Vayakel

The Jewish mystics living in Tsfat composed zemirot, table hymns to be sung in honor of the spiritual guests who visited Jewish homes on Shabbat. Many of these zemirot are still sung around the Shabbat table including some attributed to the master kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria.

Yom Zeh Mechubad – Hibbat Hapiyut

This day is honored, above all blest,
The day the God of the worlds did rest.

You have six days to labor away
The seventh day is God’s, God’s special day.
No work on the Sabbath, O this obey,

For in six God made all, by divine behest.

This day is honored…


The first of the holy days is this,

A Sabbath of rest and holy bliss.

Then kiddush on wine don’t ever miss,

To bless God over two loaves is best.

This day is honored…


Eat tasty food, drink well and sing,

For God provides, if to God you cling,

Clothing and food so nourishing,

Good meat and fish to eat with zest.

This day is honored…


You’ll lack for nothing, you’ll eat with cheer,

So dine and wine and singing clear,

Bless the Lord and love and revere,

For above all did he bless in your nest.

This day is honored…


God’s glory is told by the heavens above,

The earth is filled with his kindness and love,

See: God made all, to the gentlest dove,

God’s work is perfect, east or west.

This day is honored…


Trans​lation by Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz in B’kol Echad, In One Voice, USCJ Songbook

Yom zeh L’yisrael – Beat’achon

One of the most popular zemirot is Yom Zeh l’Yisrael (This day is for Israel), which describes a mixture of spiritual and physical pleasure. The second stanza refers to the Talmudic teaching (Ta’anit 27b) that each Jew receives an additional soul on Friday evening which departs when Shabbat ends.

Shabbat menucha.

Your gift to those who strive with You
is joy and light: Shabbat Menucha.

Certa​in of Your holy ways

You revealed to us at Sinai

Shabb​​​​​​​​​​​​at and other holy days
we are to keep as You commanded​​

You send your healing rays
accep​t our human ways:

Shabb​​​​​​​​​​​​at Menuchah

Charm​ is Shabbat for the heart
for the poor and broken people
if all week we were depressed​

additiona​l souls are ours on

Shabbat to help our anxious moods
breat​he a relaxing sigh:

Shabb​​​​​​​​​​​​at Menuchah

Conse​crated bride You blessed
all other days gave her their blessing
in the sixth and final phase

You finished global creation

There found the sorrowing​ calm and security:​

Shabb​​​​​​​​​​​​at Menuchah

Let go of every form of toil
You in Your kindness have commanded​​
regal​ auras shine from us
when we keep Shabbat as is wanted

I offer holy gifts
a fragrant sacrifice​:

Shabb​​​​​​​​​​​​at Menuchah

What songs of love could I perform

with rhythm and harmony and music
to please your presence holy God?

My soul delights in her surrender​

Do keep that promise God
to your beloved folk:

Shabb​​​​​​​​​​​​at Menuchah

Recei​ve my worship blessed God

as if it was my life I offered
This restful, blissful Shabbat day

with ample joy and sweet elation

we feel secure and loved
in Your protectio​n God:

Shabb​​​​​​​​​​​​at Menuchah

Your salvation​ do we trust
Yah God most powerful and mighty
David​’s heirs – do send them soon
to those who do transcend​ conventio​n

Let Freedom be proclaime​d
and with it space that’s safe:

Shabb​​​​​​​​​​​​at Menuchah

Aweso​me God who is most High

do look for us and give an answer

redeem this troubled planet soon

be kind and manifest Your caring

revive our trust in You
with light and blissfuln​ess:

Shabb​​​​​​​​​​​​at Menuchah


Cheri​sh and Renew Your house

enough the years it was in shambles

With Your compassio​n Gentle God

console the grieving ones in sorrow

who puts her grief aside
to sing You Shabbat songs:

Shabb​​​​​​​​​​​​at Menuchah

Zealo​us to treasure this holy day

keep us well in your remembran​ce
prote​ct and guard us wondrous God
This day and every other day

Beloved do respond
and grant deliveran​ce:

Shabb​​​​​​​​​​​​at Menuchah

Could​ celebrati​on’s welcome song be heard

by Israel and her neighbors​
When that vast vision is fulfilled​

and all the world is safe from terror

Our light has dawned this day
and shines in every way:

Shabb​​​​​​​​​​​​at Menuchah

Trans​lation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter​-Shalomi


Musical Moment Parshat T’tsaveh

Ba Min Hashtikah
It Comes From Silence

Kobi Aflalo & Nofer Salman

And I dream of an olive tree in the garden
and in its shade a grass sits
and I see there a flower and maybe it’s
actually you covered in the light of its beauty

All that I will say now
it will yet feel in every situation
like a silent question
yet the song that is playing in a light
is a song in minor with a sound of string
it comes from the silence.

I balance human desires
the logic and the emotion
I ask of G-d in my prayers for
understanding of knowledge and silence.

All that…

Sometimes the song says in a melody
and expresses itself better it’s the way
because each sound that comes as a gift
receives vitality and has a value.

All that…

Musical Moment – Parshat Yitro

The first song puts to music the opening passage of Pirke Avot/The Wisdom of Our Sages and speaks to the unbroken chain of transmission with generation after generation passing along the sacred gift of Torah and the teachings of our tradition. Next are two versions of the verse from Proverbs that is sung as part of the service returning the Torah to the Ark, the first more familiar and the other a relatively recent composition.

Torah Misinai – Naftali Kalfa & Shlomi Cohen (Pirke Avot 1:1)

Moses received [the] Torah from Sinai and transmitted it to Joshua.

Joshua [transmitted it] to the elders, and the elders to the prophets,

and the prophets to the members of the Great Assembly.

Eitz Chayim Hee – Proverbs 3:18

It is a tree of life for those who grasp it, and all who hold on to it are blessed.

Kol Halayla Shabbat A Cappella 2014

Eitz Chayim Hi (Megdal) 2/18/19 at SLBC, St Louis


Musical Moment – Parshat B’Shalach

Yetziat Mitzrayim / Leaving Egypt – Eti Ankri

The song seeks to capture the excitement, anticipation, and anxiety of the Israelites as they leave Egypt and enter the unknown of the wilderness.

Psalms 104 – Yamma Ensemble–UABwqW9Sg

The opening verses of the Psalm describe God as the Creator not in the past tense, but in the present. God is not the One who created light millennia ago on the first day of creation; God is the ongoing source of light in the universe. All the forces of nature manifest in the exodus narrative are similarly expressions of ongoing Divine power.


Musical Moment – Parshat Va’ehra
Go Down Moses
Alan Eder

Go Down Moses
Louis Armstrong

Go down Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all Pharaohs to
Let my people go!

When Israel was in Egypt land
Let my people go!

Oppressed so hard they could not stand
Let my people go!

So the God said: go down, Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all Pharaohs to
Let my people go!

So Moses went to Egypt land
Let my people go!

He made all Pharaohs understand
Let my people go!

Yes the Lord said: go down, Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all Pharaohs to
Let my people go!


Musical Moment – Sh’mot
Moshe Salio de Misraim (Moshe Came out of Egypt), which comes from the Moroccan Ladino tradition, captures in song the major events of Moshe’s life from his flight from Egypt to his encounter with GOD on Mt. Horeb.

One of the ideas emphasized by the Torah in this week’s parasha is the unity of the emerging Israelite nation. With that in mind I have collected for you a variety of versions of the classic song taken from Psalm 133 which has a similar theme. Some were chosen for their musical appeal, others for their situational appropriateness.


VANESSA PALOMA (From the Moroccan Ladino tradition)

Moses went out of Egypt
fleeing from king Pharaoh

Went directly to the land of Midian
and met Jethro

He was given his (Jethro’s) daughter
because he was God-fearing,

Moses tended to his flock
which his father-in-law assigned to him.

While working
he came to the mountain of Horeb

He seated himself on a rock
waiting to see God.

He heard a voice which said
“Moses, Moses, my servant”

Take off your shoes
You are in a Holy place.

Go straight to Egypt
tell king Pharaoh

To send out my people
my Hebrew people.

And if he will not let them go
I will punish him

With ten plagues which I will send him
so that he will know who I am.

Give thanks to the Lord for His goodness
for His everlasting graciousness.

Praised be His name
because of his continuing goodness.

Hiney Ma Tov

Hiney ma tov u’ma-nayim
Shevet ach-im gam ya-chad

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Nefesh Mountain

Abayudaya Congregation

History of the Abayudaya

Michelle Citrin

Yehuda Glantz in Australia

Beth Schafer

YIDDISH FEST MOSCOW 2015: Joshua Nelson


Musical Moment – Parshat VaY’chee

While Jacob’s final testament to his sons is an amalgam of blessing and curse, warning and critique, advice and hopefulness, it is clear that the aging patriarch is concerned about his family’s future, as individuals and as the nucleus of a nation in formation. Jacob’s parting words are meant to challenge and inspire the next generations in their relationships with each other and as links in the covenantal chain. The two songs below capture the feeling of reaching beyond ourselves to touch the future.

Sh’ma B’ni
Craig Taubman

Sh’ma B’ni – Take these wings to fly with.
Shi-mi Bi-ti – With these roots you will grow.
This is my promise, this is my blessing,
You are the promise and you are the blessing.

Sh’ma B’ni — Shi-mi Bi-ti.

May you live to see the wonder,
In this world and those yet to come.
To care for those who came before you,
To trust in those who are yet to come.

Sh’ma B’ni — Shi-mi Bi-ti.

U-fros A-lei-nu
U-fros A-lei-nu
U-fros A-lei-nu
Su-kat Sh’lo-mecha. 

May your heart be filled with wisdom,
May your mind be filled with love.
May your lips be filled with sweetness,
May you shine like the stars above.

Sh’ma B’ni — Shi-mi Bi-ti.

So you shall fly on wings of eagles,
And you will grow to be straight and tall.

This is my promise, this is my blessing,
You are the promise, and you are the blessing.

Sh’ma B’ni — Shi-mi Bi-ti.

Sh’ma B’ni — Shi-mi Bi-ti.

U-fros A-lei-nu — Sukat Sh’lo-mecha – Cover us with your shelter of peace.

I’m Standing on the Shoulders
Doug Cotler

In the garden there’s a tree
Planted by someone who only imagined me

What love
What vision
I marvel at the gift…
No fruit, could be sweeter than this

I’m standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before me

As my people went from land to land
Something passed from hand to hand
And it isn’t just the words and stories
Of the ancient laws and golden glories
It’s the way we study
The book we study
It’s the way we study
The way…

I’m standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before me

Today my life is full of choice
Because a young man raised his voice
Because a young girl took a chance
I am freedom’s inheritance
Years ago they crossed the sea
And they made a life, that’s come to me

I’m standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before me

So in the garden I’ll plant a seed
A tree of life for you to read
The fruit will ripen in the sun
The words will sound when I am gone
These are the things I pass along
The fruit,
The book,
And the song

​​​​​​​     I’m standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before me


Musical Moment – Vayigash

Hinei Ma Tov – Elana Arian

Hineh ma tov uma na’im
Shevet achim gam yachad.
How good and pleasant it is
For brothers & sisters to sit together.

Sarit Hadad – Yachad N’natseyach / Together We Will Win

Together we will win, (if we) stay together
Days of the storm, we will overcome
And hope to always go along with us
Only together will win, stay together

On days when silence speaks poetry
Fire and thunderous days, we have no choice
We have a destiny that one small country
And is alone against the world
And should only loving freedom (freely?), keep us here

Together we will win, (if we) stay together
Days of the storm, we will overcome
And hope to always go along with us
Only together will win, stay together

When it seemed all right, come back to say goodbye
Never learn a lesson and remorseful
Our little to Israel, a thousand suitors
And they want it all
But there is a promise from the Creator of the Universe,
Keep us here

Together we will win, (if we) stay together
Days of the storm, we will overcome
And hope to always go along with us
Only together will win, stay together

(Chorus of “Am Israel Chai”)

​​​​​​​Together we will win, (if we) stay together
Days of the storm, we will overcome
And hope to always go along with us
Only together will win, stay together


Musical Moment – Parshat Miketz

Kol Ha’olam Kulo – Maayan Band

Kol Ha’olam kulo
Gesher Tsar me’od
Gesher Tsar me’od
Gesher Tsar me’od –

Kol Ha’olam kulo
Gesher Tsar me’od –
Gesher Tsar me’od.

Veha’ikar – veha’ikar
Lo lefached –
lo lefached klal.

Veha’ikar – veha’ikar
lo lefached klal.

The whole world
is a very narrow bridge
a very narrow bridge
a very narrow bridge

The whole world
is a very narrow bridge –
A very narrow bridge.

And the main thing to recall –
is not to be afraid –
not to be afraid at all.

And the main thing to recall –
is not to be afraid at all.

Ani Ve’ata – Arik Einstein

Ani ve’ata neshaneh et ha’olam
ani ve’ata az yavo’u kvar kulam
Amru et zeh kodem lefanai
lo meshaneh, ani ve’ata neshaneh et ha’olam.

Ani ve’ata nenaseh mehahatchalah
yihyeh lanu ra ein davar zeh lo nora.
Amru et zeh kodem lefanai
zeh lo meshaneh, ani ve’ata neshaneh et ha’olam.
You and I we’ll change the world
you and I by then all will follow
Others have said it before me but
doesn’t matter you and I we’ll change the world.

You and I we’ll try from the beginning
it will be tough for us, no matter, it’s not too bad!
Others have said it before me but it
doesn’t matter you and I we’ll change the world.


Musical Moment – Hannukah Edition

Musical Moments brings you songs to help celebrate each night of Hannukah. Enjoy these two songs about light, two versions of I Have a Little Dreidel, and a classic by Peter, Paul, and Mary. Also included are four versions of Hanukah, O Hanukah, – decide whose version you like best. There are five versions of Hanukkah, O Hannukah as mash-ups. There is a song just released and one based on the Haftarah for Hannukah. Finally, two traditional Hanukkah songs recited after lighting candles but with a new twist.

Light Up the Night – The Fountainheads

Light One Candle – Peter, Paul, & Mary

We’re Still Here (Am Yisrael Chai) – Hanukkah 2023 – The Maccabeats

Not By Might – Debbie Freidman

I Have A Little Dreidle – Joshua Nelson

Dreidel – Erran Baron Cohen

“Happy Hanukkah” – Matisyahu

Judah Maccabee – SAFAM

8 Nights – Hanukkah Mashup – StandFour

Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah – Shir Soul – A Pentatonix-style Music Mashup

Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah – Craig ‘n Company

“Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah” – Barenaked Ladies

Pass the Candle – Michelle Citrin

Bluegrass “Chanukah” – Mama Doni

Haneirot Halalu – Six13 and Friends

Mi Y’malel – Prairie Voices


Musical Moment – Parshat Vayeshev

For this week, I share two links to the opening of the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat as a taste and encouragement to watch or listen to whole play.

Any Dream Will Do

Jacob and Sons/Joseph’s Coat

Musical Moment – Parshat Vayishlach

Brother on Brother – SAFAM

This song captures the rivalry between Jacob and Esau, the animus it engenders, and eventually, their reconciliation. May the peace they discover find echoes in the lives of their descendants.

You got it, I want it.
What’s mine is mine.
You stole it, now show it,
Put it all on the line.
When we were both children,
You deceived and you lied,
My birthright was taken,
My future denied.

Jacob, Jacob, why did you steal it?
Jacob, Jacob, why oh, why?

That’s not how it happened,
That’s just not the way,
It wasn’t important,
You sold it away
A hunter, a fighter,
You lived by the sword,
You just had no interest,
In serving the Lord.

Esau, Esau, let’s put this behind us,
Esau, Esau, let’s live in peace.

Two brothers, together,
That’s how it should be.
Each one has determined
His own destiny,
A hunter, a fighter,
One lives by the sword.
The other has chosen
To worship the Lord.

Brother on brother,
They can agree blood is thicker than water,
Brother on brother, so much to be gained.
Brother on brother,
Look at them now embracing each other.
Brother, brother…. Peace will reign!

Al Tira Avdi Ya’akov – Hazzan Aaron Bensoussan

This a compilation of verses referring to Jacob’s attributes presented as an alphabetical acrostic. Each line contains a specific attribute followed by the refrain of the title, a verse expressing divine encouragement to Jacob and his descendants. Traditionally, this is one of the Z’mirot Shel Shabbat (Songs for the Shabbat table) sung on motza’ei Shabbat, following Havdalah on Saturday night. Below is a partial translation.

Amar ha-shem le-Ya·akov:      Al tira avdi Ya·akov
Bahar ha-shem b’Ya·akov:       Al tira avdi Ya·akov
Ga·al ha-shem et Ya·akov :      Al tira avdi Ya·akov
Darakh kokhav mi-Ya·akov:     Al tira avdi Ya·akov
Haba·im yashresh Ya·akov:     Al tira avdi Ya·akov
Va-yerd mi-Ya·akov:                 Al tira avdi Ya·akov
Z’khor eleh l’Ya·akov:              Al tira avdi Ya·akov
Hedvat y’shu·ot l’Ya·akov:       Al tira avdi Ya·akov

ADONAI said to Jacob:                                                Jacob, My servant, do not fear.
ADONAI chose Jacob:                                     Jacob, My servant, do not fear.
ADONAI shall redeem Jacob:                          Jacob, My servant, do not fear.
A star shall rise from Jacob:                            Jacob, My servant, do not fear.
In days to come, Jacob shall take root:           Jacob, My servant, do not fear.
A leader shall emerge from Jacob:                 Jacob, My servant, do not fear.
Remember this, Jacob:                                               Jacob, My servant, do not fear.
Delight shall come with the redemption of Jacob: Jacob, My servant, do not fear.

Koolulam | Like A prayer – Madonna | Bring Them Home, NOW

While we have been blessed to see the return of dozens of Israelis brutally taken captive by Hamas, as well as 23 Thai and 1 Filipino nationals, Israel believes that Hamas still holds 125 Israeli men and IDF soldiers.

Koolulam is first and foremost a social initiative – meant to make the world a little bit better. Koolulam brings large groups together, to learn a song and then perform together as the culmination of the gathering. This was created as a global Jewish response to the current hostage situation.


Musical Moment – VaYetseh

At the heart of this week’s Torah portion is love story between Jacob and Rachel. Jacob, having fled from his home arrives in his family’s ancestral territory. Tired from his travels and feeling his aloneness, Jacob encounters Rachel at the well where she has gone to water her family’s flocks. It’s love at first sight. Below are two love songs from Israel.

Lechol Echad Yesh – Everyone Has
Shlomi Shabat & Lior

Every man has a woman
who will close the circle with him.
Every woman has a man
who is destined for her.
Like cloth for the body, like air for breathing,
And among the madness they find comfort.

And you are my sweet soul,
the only one to set me on fire.
With you I am the whole world,
with you I am the universe.
Without you I am half a human being,
without you I am really nothing.

Every man has his dream,
that looks like it’s coming true,
Every woman has her dream,
that he will come and storm her heart.
Like water to the thirsty,
like hope for despair.
And among the coldness of the sea,
they have love.

And you are my sweet soul…

Ahava LeLo Gvulot – Love Without Borders
Eyal Golan

Tell me who
Loves you more
I choose to have my heart
Remain with you
This is a love
That has no boundaries
With you I choose to be
The man that will fulfill dreams for you

I run only to you
Because my soul without you
Can’t quit
From your body heat that strokes

I am excited for the moment,
That I will see your face
And your smile
will melt me entirely

If I have you
I need nothing more
I have found you
And to you I say…

Tell me who
Loves you more…

I am with you because I knew
I had found happiness
And nothing here will seperate us
I am yours and you are mine
Its no coincidence that we met
And in the moment we felt
That love like this
Not everyone wins

If I have you…

​​​​​​​Tell me who
Loves you more…

Musical Moment – Toldot

At the heart of this week’s Torah portion is the rivalry between twin brothers, Jacob and Esau. Their struggles will divide the family and leave the two brothers estranged. In a few weeks, we will read how they find a small measure of reconciliation. This week’s musical moments, both from Israel, look forward to a time of true peace and harmony for the descendants of these brothers.

All Will Be Good – David Broza
Broza explains how this, his first song, captured the hopefulness engendered by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat’s visit to Israel, the stanza he added later and the hope for peace yet to be realized.

I look out of the window
and it makes me very sad,
Spring has left
who knows when it will return.
The clown has become a king
the prophet has become a clown
and I have forgotten the way
but I am still here

And all will be good
yes, all will be good

Though I sometimes break down
but this night
oh, this night,
I will stay with you.

Children wear wings
and fly off to the army
and after two years
they return without an answer.
People live under stress
looking for a reason to breathe
and between hatred and murder
they talk about peace.

And all will be good…

(Yes) up there in the sky
clouds are learning how to fly
and I look up
and see a hijacked airplane.
A government of generals
divide the land,
to what’s theirs and ours
and we do not know
when will we see the end?

We will yet learn to live together
between the groves of olive trees
children will live without fear
without borders, without bomb-shelters
on graves grass will grow,
for peace and love,
one hundred years of war
but we have not lost hope.

And all will be good…

I look out of my window
maybe it has/will come
a new day

Here comes the prince of Egypt
oh how I rejoiced for him
there are pyramids in (our) eyes
and peace in his pipe
and we said let’s complete (it)
and we’ll live as brothers
and he then said (let’s) advance,
just go out from the territories.

There Must Be Another Way – Achinoam Nini (Noa) & Mira Awad
Jewish-Israeli singer Achinoam Nini (Noa) and Israeli-Arab singer Mira Awad presented this song as Israel’s entry to the Eurovision song contest in 2009. They, along with Gil Dor, wrote the lyrics and music as a strong political message to both sides and to the world of the need to emphasize hope and understanding through common humanity. The singers describe “There Must Be Another Way” not as a song of peace, but as a simple call to respect the humanity of others. Their first duet together was a version of the Beatles classic ”We Can Work It Out” in 2002.

There must be another,
Must be another way

Enayich achot,
kol ma shelibi mevakesh omrot
Avarnu ad ko derech aruka,
derech ko kasha yad beyad

Vehadma’ot zolgot zormot lashav,
ke’ev lelo shem
Anchnu mechakot
rak layom sheyavo acharey

There must be another way
There must be another way

There must be another,
Must be another way

عيعينيك بتقول
Enayich omrot
راح ييجي يوم وكل الخوف يزول
Yavo hayom 
shebo kol hapachad ye’alem
بعينيك اصرا
Be’enayich nechishut
انه عنا خيار
Shekayemet ha’efsharut
نكمل هالمسار
Lehamshich et haderech
مهما طال
Kama shete’arech
انه ما في عنوان وحيد للاحزان
Mishum she’en ktovet achat latza’ar
بنادي للمدى, للسما العنيده
Ani koret lamerchavim ha’ikshim

There must be another way
There must be another way
There must be another,
Must be another way

Derech aruka na’avor,
derech ko kasha
yachad el ha’or
عينيك بتقول
Enayich omrot
كل الخوف يزول
Kol hapachad ye’alem

And when I cry, I cry for both of us

My pain has no name
And when I cry, I cry to the merciless sky and say:
There must be another way

Vehadma’ot zolgot,
zormot lashav,
ke’ev lelo shem
Anchnu mechakot rak layom sheyavo acharey.

There must be another way
There must be another way
There must be another
Must be another way

CHAZAK AMENU: WE STAND AS ONE from the CD “Voices for Israel”

This was written by several Israeli artists and then performed by an even larger group during the Second Intifada. Its message resonates powerfully today.

Another siren wails
Just an ordinary day
Was it anyone I know?
How can life go on this way?
Chazak v’nitchazak
We sing the words out loud
To strengthen one another
Together standing proud

Chazak chazak
We stand as one
Chazak chazak
We must be strong
Chazak chazak
We will go on
Ya’aseh shalom

Chazak v’nitchazak
B’ad amenu
Uv’ad arei Elokeinu
Chazak v’nischazak
B’ad amenu
U’l’ma’an arei Elokeinu

Oseh shalom bimromav
Hu ya’aseh shalom
Aleinu v’al kol Yisrael
V’imru Amen
V’imru Amen!

Be brave be strong
Kulanu kol echad
Be brave be strong
Tzarich lihyot chazak
Be brave be strong
Namshich l’ha’amin
One heart, one soul
Chazak chazak

Oseh shalom bimromav…


Musical Moment – Parshat Chaye Sarah
This week’s Torah portion details for us the end of the first generation of patriarchs and matriarchs telling us of the death of Sarah and later Avraham. Between these two events, the Torah brings us the marriage of Yitzchak and Rivka. These life cycle moments inspired the choice of this week’s musical moments.

Tribute – Safam

Joel Sussman wrote this song in memory of his father, Max.

Oh, the man was not a saint
Because no mortal man could be.
But the man he was the kind
I’ve tried so very hard to be,
For he said it does not matter
What you earn or where you live.
For a man he is remembered
By the way that he would give.

And the man he was a giver
And he gave with all his heart,
But it pained him so to take
Because he loved the giving part.
So I give to you my father dear
In sad memorium,
That this man he is a better man
For knowing he’s your son.

Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei rabah,
Sanctified and hallowed is His
Kingdom over us all.
Oseh shalom bim’romav
Hu ya’aseh shalom
Aleinu v’al kol Yisrael v’imru amen.

May God’s great name be praised
and acclaimed for now and evermore.
Y’hei sh’mei rabah m’varach
L’olam ul’olmei olmaya

So I give to you my father dear
In sad memorium,
That this man he is a better man
For knowing he’s your son.
Asher Bara

Here are two versions of this traditional wedding song. Enjoy the playfulness of both the Piamenta and Neshama Carlebach versions.


Neshama Carlebach

Asher Bara
Asher bara sasson v’simcha,
Chattan v’kallah
gilah, rina,
ditza, v’chedvah,
ahavah v’achava,
v’shalom v’rey’ut

He who created
happiness and bliss,
groom and bride.
Joy, gladness,
pleasure and delight,
love and harmony,
peace and companionship.

Musical Moment – Parshat Vayera

A Prayer for the

Israel Defense Forces

Presented by Hazzanim Serving Congregations in Latin American

Adonai, God who blessed our ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Laya – bless the soldiers of the Israel Defense Force, who stand guard over our land and the cities of our God from the border of the Lebanon to the desert of Egypt, and from the Great Sea unto the approach of the Aravah, on the land, in the air, and on the sea.

Adonai, cause the enemies who rise up against us to be struck down before them. Guardian of Israel we pray that You preserve and protect the soldiers from every trouble and distress. Grant them blessing and success in their every endeavor.

Holy One, crown them with victory and return them whole in body and spirit to their families. Fulfill for them the verse: For it is Adonai, your God, Who goes with you to battle your enemies and to save you.

Let us respond: Amen.

The Hope

Rick Recht

This is the hope
The hope is still real
A Jewish home
In Israel
This our time
We stand as one
If not now when
We must be strong
Our hearts turn to the East

This is the hope that holds us together
Hatikvah, the hope that will last forever
This is the hope that holds us together
Hatikvah, the hope is still real

This is the hope
2000 years
We pray for freedom
Through pain and tears
This is our faith
This is our voice
This is our promise
This is our choice
Our hearts turn to the East

This is the hope that holds us together
Hatikvah, the hope that will last forever
This is the hope that holds us together
Hatikvah, the hope is still real

Hatikvah, the hope is real
Hatikvah, our hope, Israel

am chofshi
b’artzenu, b’artzenu
eretz tzion
Virushalayim, Virushalayim

This is the hope that holds us together
Hatikvah, the hope that will last forever
This is the hope that holds us together
Hatikvah, the hope is still real


A Musical Moment of Parashat Lech L’cha

L’chi Lach
Debbie Freidman

As we read the story of our ancestors Avraham and Sarah, I share with you this piece by Debbie Freidman which captures GOD’s challenge both to them and to us, to go forth on our Jewish life journey, fulfill our divinely given potentiality, and thus become a blessing in the world.

L’chi lach,
to a land that I will show you
Leich l’cha, to a place you do not know
L’chi lach, on your journey I will bless you
And (you shall be a blessing) l’chi lach
And (you shall be a blessing) l’chi lach
And (you shall be a blessing) l’chi lach

L’chi lach, and I shall make your name great
Leich l’cha, and all shall praise your name
L’chi lach, to the place that I will show you
L’chi lach
(L’sim-chat cha-yim) l’chi lach
(L’sim-chat cha-yim) l’chi lach

 L’dor Vador
 Josh Nelson

This beautiful piece by Josh Nelson, built around a phrase from the Kedusha in the Amidah liturgy, picks up on the themes of being a blessing and the concept of generational continuity that connects us across the ages to Avraham and Sarah.

We are gifts and we are blessings,
we are history in song
We are hope and we are healing,
we are learning to be strong
We are words and we are stories,
we are pictures of the past
We are carriers of wisdom,
not the first and not the last

L’dor vador nagid godlecha
(From generation to generation,
we will tell of Your greatness)
L’dor vador… we protect this chain
From generation to generation
L’dor vador,
these lips will praise Your name

Looking back on the journey that we carry in our heart
From the shadow of the mountain to the waters that would part
We are blessed and we are holy,
we are children of Your way
And the words that bring us meaning,
we will have the strength to say


A Musical Moment for Parshat Noach

The most enduring image of this week’s Torah portion is the rainbow representing the divine promise for the future of humanity and the world.

The first two selections pick up on the imagery of the rainbow. Plus, it’s Kermit and the Stones! The third selection speaks with hope for the future.

Rainbow Connection
Kermit the Frog and Choir! Choir! Choir! in David Geffen Hall

She’s A Rainbow The Rolling Stones

One Day – Matisyahu

Koolulam is a social musical initiative aimed at empowering communities and strengthening the fabric of society. Koolulam brings together large groups of people for a unique artistic collaboration. The result is a remarkably powerful experience.


A Musical Moment for Simchat Torah

Hakafot Shniyot with the Nigunim Ensemble
One of my most enduring memories of the year I lived in Israel was the celebration of Hakafot Shniyot on the evening following the conclusion of the festival. Held in Liberty Bell Park in Jerusalem, this festive event brought together a wide cross-section of Israelis to sing, dance, and rejoice together, a remarkable moment of unity and community. This video is from last year’s celebration.

Torah Tziva Lanu Moshe – Moshe Yess
A familiar and popular song for Hakafot on Simchat Torah with a Klezmer sound and an Askenazic lilt.


Musical Moment for Sukkot

The Byrds –

Turn, Turn, Turn

One of the customs associated with the festival of Sukkot is the reading and study of Kohelet, Ecclesiastes. The most well-known portion of the book is chapter 3 which speaks of how there is a season and a time for all things under Heaven.

Livin’ in a Booth –

The Fountainheads

This playful piece highlights the joyous nature of the Sukkot festival. The Torah specifically calls upon us to be “especially happy” during this holiday. For our agrarian ancestors, a significant element of their celebration was tied to completing a successful harvest. For us, Sukkot is a moment to appreciate our many blessings.


Musical Moment for Yom Kippur

Dan Nichols and Eighteen – Kehilah Kedoshah

This piece captures the hope that we can sing together before GOD, seeing the sacred community that we become when we are able to see the sacred in those around us.

Aviva Chernick – Chadesh Yamenu

I first heard Aviva Chernick at the Ashkenaz Festival in Toronto in 2010 where she and her group Jaffa Road captivated the audience with the most spiritually moving Selichot “service” I have ever attended. The song’s is an invitation to a renewal of ourselves and our relationship with the Holy One.


Musical Moments – Rosh HaShanah 5784

The proliferation of incredible Jewish music, both here and in Israel, is quite remarkable. Reflecting the diversity of each community in its lyrics and musical influences, these songs truly reflect the soul of the Jewish people, its concerns, dreams and aspirations. Through the course of the year, I look forward to sharing with you a song or two each week along with a few words on why they engage me.

Rosh Hashana

Hayom / Today  Craig Taubman from the album Inscribed

This rendition of the piyyut from the end of the Musaf service on the High Holy Days articulates our recognition of GOD’s blessings in our lives, past and future, while acknowledging that GOD has expectations of us in the year ahead.


Strengthen us – today.                                                          Amen.

Bless us – today.                                                                   Amen.

Exalt us – today.                                                                    Amen.

Seek our well-being – today.                                                 Amen.

Inscribe us for a good life – today.                                        Amen.

Lovingly accept our prayers – today.                                    Amen.

Hear our plea – today.                                                           Amen.

Sustain us with the power of your righteousness – today. Amen.



Lishmoa El Harina – לִשְׁמֹֽע אֶל הָרִנָּה וְאֶל הַתְּפִלָּה

Cantor Magda Fishman and Maestro Tomer Adaddi

This piyyut is sung on the Saturday night prior to Rosh HaShanah as part of the first Selichot service as we prepare to stand before God and greet the New Year. Generally sung with a somber melody, this version is upbeat, even joyous, reflecting an eagerness to follow in the footsteps of our ancestors and connect with God.



The Sabbath has ended, night has come; We approach You with earnest plea.

O You who dwell in the heavens above, bend low and hear our hymn of praise.

Hear our plea! Accept our prayer!

Remember Isaac, bound for an offering, in whose stead the ram was slain,

Shield his descendants praying this night; Kindle Your power; come to their aid.

Hear our plea! Accept our prayer!

Let their plea reach Your heavenly abode. Receive all who seek Your Presence.

Do not refuse to hear their prayers, the fervent prayers which they offer.


Once You received the Temple sacrifices, now accept our petition for forgiveness.

Accept the plea we offer this night, reveal for us the wonder of Your deeds.

Hear our plea! Accept our prayer!