Rodef Sholom Temple Upcoming Services
Upcoming Services
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January 4 Vayigash

Request AliyahReading # VersesHumash Page Reader
 1 RishonGen. 46:28-303283/174Joseph Bromberg
 2 SheyniGen. 46:31-344283/174Joseph Bromberg
 3 ShelishiGen. 47:1-66284/175Joseph Bromberg
 4 Revi'iGen. 47:7-104285/175Joseph Bromberg
5 HamishiGen. 47:11-199286/176 
6 ShishiGen. 47:20-223287/177 
7 Shevi'iGen. 47:23-275288/177 
MaftirGen. 47:25-273288/177 
HaftarahEzekiel 37:15-2814290/178 

Birchot HaShachar/Pesukei DeZimra    
Torah Service    
Gabbai Rishon    
Gabbai Sheyni    

January 11 Vay'chi

Request AliyahReading # VersesHumash Page Reader
1 RishonGen. 49:27-304305/187 
2 SheyniGen. 49:31-333306/188 
3 ShelishiGen 50:1-66306/188 
4 Revi'iGen. 50:7-93307/189 
5 HamishiGen. 50:10-145308/189 
6 ShishiGen. 50:15-206308/189 
7 Sh'vi'iGen. 50:21-266309/190 
MaftirGen. 50:23-264310/190 
Haftarah1 Kings 2:1-1212312/191 

Birchot HaShachar/Pesukei DeZimra    
Torah Service    
Gabbai Rishon    
Gabbai Sheyni    

January 18 Shemot

Request AliyahReading # VersesHumash Page Reader
1 RishonEx. 4:18-203335/220 
2 SheyniEx. 4:21-266335/220 
3 ShelishiEx. 4:27-315337/221 
4 Revi'iEx. 5:1-55338/222 
5 HamishiEx. 5:6-94339/223 
6 ShishiEx. 5:10-145339/223 
7 Sh'vi'iEx. 5:15-6:110340/224 
MaftirEx. 5:22-6:13340/224 

Birchot HaShachar/Pesukei DeZimra    
Torah Service    
 Musaf    EJ Tench
Gabbai Rishon    
Gabbai Sheyni    

January 25 Va'era

Request AliyahReading # VersesHumash Page Reader
 1 RishonEx. 8:16-238362/240Joseph Bromberg
 2 SheyniEx. 8:24-285363/241Joseph Bromberg
 3 ShelishiEx. 9:1-77364/241Joseph Bromberg
 4 Revi'iEx. 9:8-169365/242Joseph Bromberg
5 HamishiEx. 9:17-215366/242 
6 ShishiEx. 9:22-265366/243 
7 Sh'vi'iEx. 9:27-359367/243 
MaftirEx. 9:33-353367/244 
HaftarahEzekiel 28:25-29:2123369/244 

Birchot HaShachar/Pesukei DeZimra    
Torah Service    
Gabbai Rishon    
Gabbai Sheyni    

Note:    Mevarchim Hachodesh

February 1 Bo

Request AliyahReading # VersesHumash Page Reader
1 RishonEx. 12:29-324387/258 
2 SheyniEx. 12:33-364387/258 
3 ShelishiEx. 12:37-426388/259 
4 Revi'iEx. 12:43-519389/259 
5 HamishiEx. 13:1-44391/260 
6 ShishiEx. 13:5-106392/261 
7 Sh'vi'iEx. 13:11-166393/261 
MaftirEx. 13:14-163393/262 
 HaftarahJeremiah 46:13-2816395/263Jodi Eligberg

Birchot HaShachar/Pesukei DeZimra    
 Torah Service    EJ Tench
Gabbai Rishon    
Gabbai Sheyni    

February 8 Beshallach

Request AliyahReading # VersesHumash Page Reader
1 RishonEx. 14:26-15:2127405/269 
2 SheyniEx. 15:22-265412/273 
3 ShelishiEx. 15:27-16:1011414/274 
4 Revi'iEx. 16:11-2717416/276 
5 HamishiEx. 16:28-369418/277 
6 ShishiEx. 17:1-77419/278 
7 Shevi'iEx. 17:8-169420/280 
MaftirEx. 17:14-163421/280 
 HaftarahJudges 4:4-5:31 51423/281Shoshana M/Martha K-H

Birchot HaShachar/Pesukei DeZimra    
Torah Service    
 Musaf    EJ Tench
Gabbai Rishon    
Gabbai Sheyni    

Note:    Shabbat Shirah

February 15 Yitro

Request AliyahReading # VersesHumash Page Reader
 1 RishonEx. 19:1-66436/290Tess Goldblatt
 2 SheyniEx. 19:7-93438/292Joseph Bromberg
 3 ShelishiEx. 19:10-134438/292Joseph Bromberg
 4 Revi'iEx. 19:14-196439/293Joseph Bromberg
 5 HamishiEx. 19:20-20:1420440/294Rabbi Eligberg
 6 ShishiEx. 20:15-184449/300Rabbi Eligberg
 7 Shevi'iEx. 20:19-235449/301Rabbi Eligberg
 MaftirEx. 20:21-233449/301Rabbi Eligberg
HaftarahIsaiah 6:1-7:6;9:5-621451/302 

Birchot HaShachar/Pesukei DeZimra    
 Torah Service    EJ Tench
Gabbai Rishon    
Gabbai Sheyni    

February 22 Mishpatim

Request AliyahReading # VersesHumash Page Reader
1 RishonEx. 23:20-256474/319 
2 SheyniEx. 23:26-305475/319 
3 ShelishiEx. 23:31-333476/320 
4 Revi'iEx. 24:1-66476/320 
5 HamishiEx. 24:7-115478/321 
6 ShishiEx. 24:12-143479/322 
7 Shevi'iEx. 24:15-184479/322 
MaftirEx. 24:15-184479/322 
HaftarahJeremiah 34:8-22, 33:25-2617734/323 

Birchot HaShachar/Pesukei DeZimra    
Torah Service    
 Musaf    EJ Tench
Gabbai Rishon    
Gabbai Sheyni    

Note:    Mevarchim Hachodesh

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