Rodef Sholom Temple is steeped in the rich traditions of Conservative Judaism offering a wide variety of spiritual, educational, cultural, and social programs. Our services are egalitarian and participatory.
Monday and Thursday* at 7:45 am, followed by breakfast and “schmooze”
Friday evenings* at 6:00 pm, followed by an Oneg Shabbat
Saturdays* at 9:30 am, followed by Kiddush luncheon
*If you are joining us for the first time (or for the first time in a long time), we do ask that you let us know in advance that you are coming. We want to welcome you to the Temple, but the safety and security of our congregants and facility is an important part of our operations. Please call at (757) 826-5894.
Ethics of our Ancestors –Tuesdays at Noon in the RST Library
Sisterhood Torah Fund Brunch – Sunday, February 23rd.
Elijah, Israelite Man of Mystery – Sunday, March 2nd.
Sisterhood Book Club – Sunday, March 16th
We welcome you to visit us during the week, worship with us in person at all our services, and attend our programs, but we ask that you contact us first before you arrive. Please call the Temple Office to let us know you're coming - we look forward to meeting you!
There are many ways you can support Rodef Sholom Temple. Click here to see a list of funds.
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